Chapter X:

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                Blaine got home from work to find the house empty. Kurt was supposed to have spent the day with Adrian, where were they? He saw a strange DVD box at the coffee table and went to check what it was. There was nothing written on the box. However, as he was putting it on the player, he listened to the key on the door:

"Where were you? It's awful to find the house empty."

Adrian already jumped on Blaine's arms and Kurt approached to kiss him:

"I took Ady for an ice cream."

Adrian nodded looking very pleased. He saw the DVD box in Blaine's hand and asked:

"Are we watching this again?"

Kurt reprehended him:

"Not now, Young Man. The deal was that when we got home you'd go straight to bed."

Blaine was curious:

"What's this DVD after all?"

Ade's eyes sparkled as he answered:

"It's you, Daddy K, Aunt Rachel and Mercedes singing the song from The Sound of Music."

Kurt completed:

"From the Christmas Special we did in High School. Why don't you go put Adrian to sleep and he can tell you all about it."

"Sure, I haven't seen him all day after all..."

When Blaine was kissing his son good night, the little one held him by the shirt:

"Daddy B, can I tell you a secret?"

"Anything, Honey. I'm your dad; you can tell me anything you want."

Ade then whispered in his ear:

"Daddy Kurt told me today that he fells warm in his heart whenever he sees you."

They both smiled at each other. Blaine looked conspiratorially into Adrian's eyes:

"Can I tell a secret too? My heart beats very loud whenever I see him."

When Blaine walked back to the living room, Kurt was waiting him with a platter of cheese and two glasses of wine. Kurt patted the couch indicating that's for Blaine to join him. Blaine sat and rested his head on Kurt's shoulder:

"What's all that for?"

"I want to tell you my good news."

"Oh, from this morning?"

"Exactly. I talked to Harriet Green, Melissa's mother, and she happens to be a school counselor who is married to a lawyer. She said she wanted to talk to us about Mrs. Bane; with whom she seemed pretty upset as well."

Blaine raised his head to look into Kurt's eyes:

"Kurt? What are you up to?"

"Nothing! She invited us for lunch on Saturday and I said we would be there. Hon, they are qualified professionals, I think they can help us. We need to figure out what to do about Ady's education and they are the best people to advise us."

"So you aren't looking for a fight?"

"I'm not looking for it; but you know I won't run from it if it's for Adrian sake."

Blaine chuckled:

"You are incorrigible. That's what I love about you."

Kurt responded with a kiss. It was good being able to talk about all this without all the angst from the past few days. Blaine hugged Kurt from behind and they stayed a few moments just feeling each other's warmth. Blaine then whispered in Kurt's ear:

"So, is it true that you feel your heart warmer whenever you see me?"

Kurt shook his head:

"The worse secret keeper in the world, I can't tell Ady anything! Actually, my whole body is on fire whenever you are near but I didn't think it was appropriate to talk to our son in those terms."

"Why were you talking about that with Ade anyway?"

"Well, I think our little one is in love."

Blaine gasped:

"Oh, I see! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet."

Kurt was amused. He reclined a bit more over Blaine:

"I'll hold your hand."

Saturday morning arrived and Kurt was interrupted from reading his magazine by Adrian running into the living room. Kurt shouted to Blaine who was still in the bathroom:

"Blee, Honey, did you put product on Adrian's hair?"

Adrian was wearing the same hairstyle as Blaine and looking very proud of himself. Blaine appeared still caring the hair-gel pot and applying it to his own hair:

"What? Oh! But, Kurt, he asked me to! He said he wanted to look handsome for Melissa."

Kurt bent to his knees so he can be at the same eye level as Adrian:

"Sweet Prince, you are handsome no matter what. Yours and your father's curly hair are beautiful."

"She is so pretty, Daddy. I want her to like me."

Kurt hugged him:

"I'm sure she does."

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