Chapter XVII:

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                They entered the hospital running but were stopped at the reception by a moody receptionist who insisted they should fill a form before the doctor could see them. Kurt was incisive:

"Please, can't you see my son is burning in fever? It won't come down, even with the medicine."

"I'm sorry Sir, without the form the doctor can't see him."

Kurt was about to protest but Blaine signed him to stop. Blaine got the form from the lady and started filling it. Kurt was pacing up and down as much as Adrian's weight in his arms allowed. At this moment, Adrian puked again and his eyes rolled inside their orbit showing only the white part for a second. Kurt and Blaine turned cold and the receptionist was calling someone inside.

Soon a male nurse appeared with a hammock and took Adrian in. They were following him but were stopped by the door by the security guard:

"Only the parents are allowed in. Which one is the father?"

Surprisingly, Blaine was the one taking an attitude:

"We both are and we are both coming in now. Our son needs us and it's neither you nor anybody else will stop us from being with him."

Adrian's vein was picked so the doctors could run a more efficient medicine. The boy was so weak that he didn't even complain. Kurt was by his side holding the Little One's hand the whole time. Blaine was standing by them with his hand on Kurt's shoulder. Not much time had passed and Adrian fell asleep.

Kurt then looked at Blaine; they were both pale and with concerned faces. A nurse appeared to take Adrian's temperature and she said that he no longer had a fever but the doctor would come as soon as he has the exams results to explain things to them. They looked at each other and allowed themselves a moment of weakness. They hugged and started crying in each other's arm.

After a few minutes, Adrian was still asleep and looking peaceful. With the medicine and the saline, his cheeks were rose again. Kurt was feeling calmer to leave his side for a moment so he could call his dad.

When he entered the room again, Blaine turned his eyes from his son to his husband. Kurt gave him a small smile:

"Dad is concerned, of course. He said he would sleep with his phone by his side and if we haven't news of what Ady has or when he's going home that he would take the first flight tomorrow. I also called Rachel. She was just leaving the theater and said she's coming over. How is he?"

Blaine ran his thumb in Ade's hand as he answered:

"Peacefully asleep. His breath has even and all the monitors seem to be normal. His cheeks are rose and his hand isn't burning."

Kurt delicately ran his fingers in his son's forehead. He smiled as he feels his temperature was down. Blaine was hugging him and smiled when he saw Kurt's calmer face. Kurt was still watching Adrian when he pointed out:

"Blee... you know you should call your family."

Blaine took a deep breath before he answered:

"I was thinking about that... Do you really think that after all Cooper and my father have said to us I should really give them news about Ade?"

Kurt put his free hand on Blaine's face:

"They are still your family. Maybe you should call your mother. She's too afraid of your father to take a stand in that entire situation but she never said anything against us. She was the one who supported you when you came out and she also is the one who asks for pictures of Adrian. Call her, Honey, and let her decide who she thinks should be informed."


Blaine got back in the room with Rachel. She hugged them both and said she was there for whatever they need. She went to check on Ady when the doctor entered. He spoke directly to her:

"Good news. Your son will be fine. Is it okay if I give the report in front of the uncle?"

Blaine held Kurt's hand as he answered:

"Actually, we are his two dads. She's the godmother, but it's okay to speak in front of her."

The doctor was clearly embarrassed:

"My bad. His form wasn't complete and I just took a wrong guess. Anyway, it seems that the cause of the boy's illness tonight is psychological. The results of all the exams we did were normal; it seems like a nervous breakdown. Did he have anything to stress him out today?"

Kurt was feeling guiltier than ever, he could just answer a feeble yes. The doctor went on:

"Of course it's only wise to watch him for a few more days. Take some other exams. But I believe in two or three days we are sending him home."

Kurt and Blaine smiled at each other. The doctor looked down and said one last thing:

"I'm afraid that due to hospital rules only one parent can accompany the boy for the night. Who is it going to be?"

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