Chapter XVI:

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Blaine estranged to see Lisa still in the house when he got home:

"Lisa? Is everything all right?"

Before she could answer, Kurt threw his arms around Blaine's neck and started crying on his shoulder:

"Our son hates me, Blaine."

Blaine, whose day hasn't been easy as well, caressed Kurt's head and questioned what's happening.

Lisa was the one to talk, since all Kurt could do at the moment was sob. After hearing the story, Blaine thanked the nanny and said that she could go now he's home. She seemed more than pleased to leave. Blaine decided to start out with Ade.

Kurt was in the living room waiting for Blaine finish talking with Adrian. However, Blaine's expression as he exited the boy's room didn't give him many hopes. He tried anyway:


Blaine sighed:

"He's asleep now. He believed me that we won't abandon him but he's still afraid of you."

Kurt felt the tears running down his face. Blaine lowered his head in frustration:

"Can I tell you my bad news now?"

Kurt just groaned. Blaine approached him:

"My dear brother has sent me an e-mail. Someone showed him Rachel's video and he decided it was a good idea to write to me telling it was an absurd. He said I was exposing my kid not in a good way and that I was throwing my career down the dumpsters. Not only my career but Rachel's as well, and that would ruin my chances even as an agent. He said it in such a pejorative way. To sum up, he finishes the e-mail telling me that he and dad were right and that we are terrible parents."

Kurt took a few moments before he could really absorb the information: was Cooper that much of a jerk? He looked at Blaine who seemed resigned:

"That's my brother."

"An idiot, that's what he is! But although I don't agree with his methods I have to agree that we must be doing something wrong. You know, parenting-wise."

Blaine then realized how much Kurt was affected by today's incident. He approached his husband and grabbed his shoulders:

"Don't punish yourself so much. You've lost your head today. We are all vulnerable to that."

"You should have seen his face, Blee. The scared look on his face as he ran away from me; it just breaks my heart. And I can't stop remembering it over and over again. He spent the rest of the day in his room holding on to Lisa so she could protect him from me. My own son, Blaine! I was supposed to be the one who is always there to protect him and all I did was hurt the Little Angel. He has already been through so much in his life."

Blaine didn't exactly know how to calm Kurt down. He would feel the same if he was in Kurt's situation. In fact, he'd always believed he would be the first one to screw things up badly with Adrian. Now that Kurt was the one who had messed things up, he didn't know how to act:

"Everything will be back to normal, Kurt. I'm sure he still loves you. Something like that would happen sooner or later. I've always thought it would be me. You are always so centered; you are my rock."

Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder:

"Now what do I do?"

"I don't know, Gorgeous, but I'm sure you'll figure it out somehow."

Later that night, Adrian appeared in his fathers' bedroom. He walked straightly to Kurt whose face lit up with hope. Kurt used his smoother tune:

"Sweet Prince, I'm so sorry."

Adrian didn't answer but his face is pale. Kurt tried again:

"Sweetie, what's wrong..."

Before he could complete his sentence, Adrian puked on him. For one moment Kurt thought it could be some kind of revenge but he saw that Adrian's face was getting paler. He put his hand on his son's forehead:

"Ady, you are burning in fever."

Kurt got up to give the boy a warm bath but Blaine stopped him:

"Let me deal with this. You better change into clean clothes."

Kurt cleansd up the bedroom and then himself. He then entered awkwardly Adrian's room where Blaine was with the boy. Blaine looked concerned:

"The fever won't come down. Even after the bath and the medicine, he's still 104 degrees."

Kurt didn't hesitate:

"I'm calling a cab. We're taking him to the hospital."

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