Chapter IV

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  Kurt had the quickest reaction:

"Ady! Sweet Prince, what are you doing up?"

"I had a nightmare."

"Come on, Daddy Kurt will stay there with you until you fall asleep again."

Blaine needed a few more minutes to compose himself. Kurt was better at that part of parenting anyway. After he changed into his pajamas and had completed his night-time ritual, Blaine went to check on his two men.

He started to spy through the half open door as Kurt was reading one of Dr. Seuss stories to the little one. Blaine was amazed by the skillful way Kurt has managed the whole situation and by the way Ade was mesmerized by Kurt's way of reading the story. In a funny moment of the book, where Adrian is laughing amusedly, Blaine couldn't contain a chuckle.

Kurt then turned smiling to Adrian:

"It looks like Daddy B wants to join us."

Adrian stretched his arms towards Blaine:

"Come Daddy B. Help protect me from the monsters."

Blaine kissed his son's forehead as Kurt runned his fingers through the little one's hair, saying:

"Ady is afraid there are monsters in his room even though I've already checked under the bed and in the closet. Maybe he believes that only Daddy B is a good monster-slayer."

Blaine answered with a smile:

"Well, I have a little secret... I'll be back in a moment."

Blaine came back with a small stuffed dog in his hands. Kurt is surprised:

"Is that the dog I gave you in High School? How come you still have it and how come I never knew?"

Blaine smirkeds:

"Of course I still have him. He's the best monster-slayer I ever knew. His name is Fiyero and he's now Adrian's if he wants it."

Ade's eyes were sparkling:

"Can I really have him?"

Blaine was now also running his fingers through Adrian's hair:

"Sure you can, dear. Daddy Kurt once gave him to me to protect me against my monsters. But now he sleeps with me every night I don't need the dog anymore."

Adrian hugged Fiyero tight against his chest:

"Thank you, Daddy. Now I won't be afraid anymore."

Kurt, who had being admiring Blaine, answered the boy:

"So is it okay if I go to sleep in my room?"

Adrian grabbed Kurt with his Fiyero-free hand:

"No Daddy Kurt, please stay with me."

"But darling, if Daddy Blaine gave you the dog who is going to protect him tonight?"

Adrian then turned to Blaine as he responded Kurt:

"But I want Daddy Blaine to stay too."

Blaine answered this time:

"Just five minutes, ok? Then Fiyero will be the one taking care of you."

"Ok. I love you Daddy Blaine."

"And I love you both." said Blaine smiling at Kurt.

It doesn't take long until Adrian is back asleep. Kurt and Blaine take the opportunity to talk about the incident as soon as they are out in the hallway. Blaine is worried:

"Do you think he saw anything? Was he scared?"

"I don't think he was there much long before we saw him. He's seen we kiss before."

"Kissing yes, Kurt, but we never did it so... intensely in front of him. Thank goodness you had a quick reaction. You're such a good father. I was admiring the relationship you have with him as you were telling him bedtime stories."

"Come on, Blee, you've got to give yourself some credit: that dog maneuver was genius stuff."

Blaine blushed and Kurt kept going:

"By the way, I never knew you liked that dog so much."

"Are you kidding me? I was feeling really bad that week you gave me him and your gesture was what cheered me up. Besides, he was a very nice companion to me on many nights while we were trying the long-distance relationship. That was a hard period, but I think now it's even harder. Parenting scares me, what if we're doing it wrong?"

"You're an excellent father Blaine, even if you don't believe it yourself. That kid simply adores his Daddy B and I love the fact that you're the other father of my son. Adrian is now more our son than if we were related by blood."

"I know. We found that out the minute we saw those blue eyes and changed our plans about adopting a newborn. He has your eyes, have I ever told you that?"

"I'd noticed. He has my eyes and your hair. It was meant to be: the three of us are a family that chose to be together. He's much better here being loved by us then abandoned in that orphanage."

"That's true; it was worth every minute we spent in the adoption process. Still, I'd rather he had your hair."

Kurt laughed and started messing with Blaine's perfectly gelled hair:

"Don't be silly, you know I love your curls. Now let's go to sleep to see if we can schedule an appointment with Mrs. Bane tomorrow morning before you go to work."

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