Over the next few days before Spring Break we went through our classes and met our children in front of the high school everyday. When my mother and father dropped them off we took them up to the dorm and they talked and played with their own devices like the ones Seth and I had. Amy and Hanna turned out to be very trustworthy. When Spring Break came Seth, Freedom, Aiden, and I headed to the beach. Before we left I packed a bag with towels, sunblock, and other essentials and grabbed a large umbrella for shade while Seth helped Freedom and Aiden into their swimsuits. Both wore similar suits, Freedom had a little bikini and Aiden had swim trunks. Both of their suits had a black and white design to it, and Freedom had a skirt attached to the bottoms. Seth changed into the exact same swimsuit I'd created for him when we walked on the beach after the Hisslicai history lesson and I changed into my black bikini but with shorts-style bottoms. Though instead of a dress I wore a white jacket and zipped it up. When we got to my silver car, Seth went over and buckled the twins in, while I created a blue cooler and filled it with drinks, snacks, and ice. When Seth said he was done, I put the bag on my shoulder, in the trunk and closed it. As we drove to the beach we listened to many songs and sang along, and when we got there we laid our very large towels in a nice sunny spot and shoved the umbrella into the sand. Seth took the twins to chase waves while I enjoyed the warm sun. Not long after I stretched out on my stomach, a shadow covered the sun. I rolled over to see what it was. It was a guy, he was muscular, tall, had brown hair that was slick from the water, tan skin that glistened from the water droplets, and blue eyes. I sat up to use his shadow as shade for my eyes.
“Hello.” I said.
“Hey, beautiful. I'm Todd.” he said.
“Sorry, but, what did you call me?” I asked, standing up.
“I called you beautiful. You are very pretty.”
“Not when I don't want to be. Actually I can be very menacing.”
“I don't believe that.”
“I know your intentions. You are trying to get me to go out with you.”
“Of course. I can get any girl I want, and right now I want you.”
“Sorry but I'm taken. In fact here he comes now.”
I knelt down as Aiden ran into my arms. I fell back onto my backside laughing. Freedom tackled us and joined in the laughter. She squealed as Seth grabbed her and started tickling her. Todd looked confused.
“Todd, this is my husband, Seth, and our three year old twins, Aiden and Freedom.” I told him.
“Hello.” Seth said.
“Hi!” The twins said together.
“Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were married, and with kids to top it off. See you later, uh...”
“Right, bye.” he said and ran off.
“What was all that?” Seth asked.
“A guy that was flirting with me.”
Seth knew I would never betray him, so he dropped the subject. We stayed at the beach all day and it was very comfortable. The sun felt nice on our backs and we lay on our stomachs. The twins dozed off as the heat made them sleepy, so I pulled them under the umbrella to keep them from getting sunburn. After they were secure I noticed Seth was asleep too. I trusted his senses to protect himself and the twins, so I walked to the water. The comfort from the warm salt water flowing up and engulfing my feet was amazing. I walked out into the crystal clear water until I had to swim. I made my eyes water proof and made my lungs able to filter the salt water as I dove under. I made my body pressure resistant and sank under until I hit the bottom. As my back hit the bottom my hair splayed out around me. I watched as a boat floated by to my right, they stopped and I heard shouts. After a little rocking of the boat a diver splashed into the water. It was then that I knew they'd seen my in the water being so still. They must have thought I was dead and sent a man in to fetch my body. As he hit the bottom I moved into a position that I could easily jump away.

Shape-Shifter's Promise
RomantizmMercy always dreamed of finding her true love, and when the pack returns to their first den, she's given the chance. But to find him, she must sacrifice everything and fight to keep him, herself, and her family alive and together with a promise that...