Chapter 5

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I groaned as I woke up. I smiled when I saw a blanket over me. I hadn't gone to sleep with one. I rolled off the couch, trying my best to stand up straight. Whaddya know? I actually did have back pain now.

I walked over to the bed and peered down at Heichou. He looked stressed while sleeping. Was he having a bad dream? I gingerly stroked his cheek and he started to calm down. I noticed a pair of earbuds in his ear. I pulled one of them out, curious to what he was listening to. I knew this song.

"Oi!" Levi's eyes shot open and he popped up, bumping heads with me.

I groaned, rubbing my forehead as I responded sheepishly, "It's Eren. I just wanted to see what you were listening to."

I twiddled my thumbs as Levi sent me a death glare. He sighed and massaged my forehead, "You're an idiot, but if you really must know... it's Titan."

My eyes widened, "I-I didn't know you listened to that kind of music, H-Heichou."

"Well I do," Heichou looked at me, "You can call me by my name when we aren't in the spotlight, brat."

I blushed, "W-What's your... name?"


"LEVI?!" I asked, quickly covering my mouth, "S-So you like Titan, do you?"

Levi nodded, "Yeah. I do. Their music is brilliant. Every song tells a different story. They're all poetic, kind of like your song, Eren."

My cheeks warmed as I blushed. He doesn't know... does he? He can't possibly be the same Levi as from the bar...

"Hahahahaha. Me, Titan? You've gotta be kidding, Levi. Really, you're killin' me, smalls," I squeaked, trying to draw attention away from myself when in fact I was probably doing just the opposite.

"Of course you aren't, brat. You're too awkward and adorable. Call me 'smalls' ever again and I'll shove a broom up where the sun don't shine," Levi smirked at me, "Since you're such a fan, I'll have you know that I got his signature."

He couldn't be the same Levi. No. Wait, that paper. It's the exact same as the one that I wrote. Ack! Heichou is Levi, the Levi. I think I like him. Shit, I can't let him know that or the fact that I umm... happen to kinda sorta be Titan.

"Oi, brat, you okay?" Levi asked, resting his hand on my chest, "You're hyperventilating. Are you... gay?" Levi asked, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

I let out some unidentifiable sound that was a mix between a donkey and a scree. I shook my head violently.

"It's okay brat, I don't mind. I could tell by the way you act with Off Brand He-man," Levi teased me.

"Umm. No. Gross. He's my friend. Plus, he's lowkey into beastiality," I panicked.

"That's fucking disgusting, Eren. That fucking coconut needs to see a doctor," Levi looked at me, horrified, "Do you know how unsanitary and fucked up that is?!"

My eyes widened, "No, no, no! Uh... it's kinda beastiality and kinda not. He's into this guy who has a horse face. That's all."

Levi relaxed, "C'mon, let's go get breakfast with the band and Erwin."

I nodded frantically and started to follow Levi out of the hotel room when he returned from the bathroom.

"Oi, Eren," Levi smirked, his hand resting gently on the doorknob, "You know that you are still only in your boxers, right?"

I suddenly became very self conscious. I covered my chest with my arms, "D-Don't look at me."

"Oh, are we bashful now?" Levi asked, amused, "Hurry up so we can get breakfast."

I Don't Believe In Love Songs (Ereri/Riren AU) (COMPLETED) [#Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now