Chapter 14

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Levi's POV

My leg bounced up and down as Eren, Hange, Nanaba, and Mike were busy playing some type of game. They were really into it, he but I was absorbed in my own thoughts.

After what Hange claims was 'much too long,' I gave Erwin the okay for us to go back on tour. We all had already finished and released our new album, The Last Expedition as it would be the last album and tour that we would be going on. Eren wasn't that happy about it, but I told him that I wanted to be normal and be able to go on a date with him without having to disguise myself.

We've been touring all throughout the month of December. Today was Christmas Eve, so everyone was super excited as they played games with Jim Carey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas was playing in the background. I was never much of a Christmas person. I didn't hate it, but I just didn't understand it. It's an overly commercialized Pagean holiday that the Christians stole and claimed as their own, even though their messiah wasn't even born then. It was stupid in my opinion.

Eren loved Christmas, claiming it was his third favorite holiday after Halloween and Thanksgiving. I honestly think that Eren loves everything. He's just so pure and innocent, even if his bedroom habits portray otherwise.

I was pretty jittery today because tomorrow was the big day. Not because it was Christmas or my birthday, but for two other reasons, one being way more stressful than the other. Tomorrow is the last performance of the tour, dubbed the 2525 concert because I'd be turning twenty-five on the twenty-fifth. Tomorrow is the day that I would propose to Eren. I was debating on whether I should or not. I already bought the ring, but I was so nervous. It was weird. Usually I'm not this anxious about things.

Is it too soon? It's probably too soon. Eren did say he wanted to get married that one time, but he probably didn't mean after three or four months of dating. He would probably say no. It's settled. I'm not doing it.

"Leeeeeeeeevi," Eren wrapped his arms around me, smiling widely, "Turn that frown upside down. Frowning causes premature aging. You're already older than me, Grandpa."

I tried to glare at the brunette, but failed, "I love you."

Eren seemed to hear me because he blushed and replied softly, "I love you more."

That's it. I'm marrying this brat.


I was nervous the entire concert. I kept glancing Eren just to have him wink at me in reply. I sang for the longest time ever. The concert was long as hell, as it was our last tour performance ever. The band wasn't splitting up. We'd occasionally play shows, but no more touring. It's draining. We wouldn't be recording any new music either. I honestly just wanted to be normal and live a normal life with the shitty brat who was currently singing a song for me so that I could regain my breath. He didn't want to do this. He said that his voice wasn't good enough and that the fans came to hear me sing. He really worries to much. Eren was doing great. I drank my water as I watched him and then picked my guitar back up to resume playing.

The Last Expedition is my favorite album that we've put out. Our sound was different, yet it also was slightly nostalgic to our first album, Wings of Freedom. That's where we got our insignia from and it was still a favorite amongst the fans who Hange dubbed the Scouts.

This album had screaming in it, but more like the punk rock kind of screaming rather than the metal kind that Eren used to do. Yes, there is a difference. Eren did both kinds wonderfully and I started to wonder what other music related things he could do.

The concert ended with Eren and I singing the last song, The Last Song, together. The crowd went crazy and I almost went blind from all of the flashes from the smartphones in the crowd. I looked over to Eren who was smiling widely at me.

I Don't Believe In Love Songs (Ereri/Riren AU) (COMPLETED) [#Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now