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Levi's POV

I watched in horror as the life drained from Eren's eyes. He saved me even though I didn't deserve to be saved. My vision began to get blurry as tears clouded my vision. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it have been me? It should've been me.

I felt Eren being lifted off of me, but the weight on my chest only doubled. I watched as countless medics crowded around Eren. I squeezed in the circle to watch. I watched in silent terror as someone used a defibrillator on Eren. They tried seven times and then felt the brunette's pulse. The one who used the defibrillator turned to me and shook their head before bowing it. They couldn't save him. They couldn't save my Eren.

I traced my index finger along Eren's facial features. He looked beautiful, all dressed up in a black tux, a black rose pinned to his lapel. He looked so at ease and at peace, still wearing that smile that he displayed when he realized that I was unhurt, as if he were having a peaceful dream, only this was a dream that he wouldn't be waking up from, ever.

"Levi," Hange patted my shoulder, "There's a line."

I nodded before taking one last look at Eren before kissing him on the eyelids. I was the one to close them when he was pronounced dead. It's probably morbid to admit, but I was glad that I was the one who got to do it. I didn't want anyone else to do it. I took slight comfort in the fact that I was the last one to look into his beautiful Caribbean eyes.

I left the casket and stayed at the back of the funeral home, watching as people paid their respects. There were so many people. Eren touched the lives of so many people, I was just one of the countless many. I wasn't anything special to him, I was just some rockstar who made an appearance in his life, but sometimes when I close my eyes, I like to pretend that Eren loved me back and that he was still here. I dreamt this while Eren was placed into the freshly dug hole in the ground. He was too pure to be put in such a dirty place. I hated it.

"Levi, Levi!" I awoke to a coconut shaking me frantically. Am I dead? Am I with Eren now?

The coconut slapped me and I regained my senses. It was Carmen, Eren's old friend. He was looking down on me with pity, hugging a black laptop tightly to his chest.

"What is it, brat?" I asked, cringing when I said the word 'brat.' It reminded me of Eren.

"You're a mess," OBH looked at me sadly.

He was probably right. I weighed seventy-six pounds and my hair was all over the place. I haven't been able to eat since the incident. Usually when in distress, I listen to Titan, but for some reason, he stopped uploading music on SoundCloud. I have long since disbanded the Survey Corps and honestly, I just wanted to cease to exist. Carmen wasn't helping this.

"Look, Carmen," I let out a shaky breath, "I don't need you here pitying me. I know I look like shit. Just leave me be, please. The pain I feel now is nothing compared to the pain that Eren felt when that bullet lodged itself in his heart, the bullet that should've killed me."

"My name is Armin," the blond sighed, "I'm not here to pity you. Honestly, you're disgusting to look at. To think that Eren saved you just to give up on life is utterly appalling and seeing you makes me wish that Eren never won that competition to begin with, but... Eren wouldn't have wanted it that way."

My eyes widened. He was right. Eren saved me. It's disrespectful to not live as he would've wanted me to. What am I doing? I'm drowning in self pity, even though I don't want the pity of others. I am a disgrace to Eren.

"I'm... sorry," I croaked.

Armin nodded, "It's okay. I'm here because Hange got ahold of me and told me about your condition. They're a good friend, Levi. I came here to give you some information."

Armin took a long breath of air before he continued, "There are a few things about Eren that I think you should know. Eren was Titan, the artist who stayed underground and only performed at select locations that were approved by him and me, his manager. What I have here is Eren's laptop with countless songs that were work in progresses, or songs that he deemed unworthy of uploading. I thought that you would want it."

Armin held out the computer and I grabbed it gingerly, cradling it like a baby. I cautiously opened, afraid that it would crumble if I were too rough. I opened up his music files and started scrolling through them. I stopped at one in particular. It was entitled "Levi." I opened it and turned the sound up all the way.

Tears were rolling down my face as the song ended. This song, it wasn't like any of the others that Titan had uploaded. It wasn't Titan's song - it was Eren's. The song was just Eren singing with an acoustic guitar. None of the other audio files contained anything else like it. This was Eren's only song and it was a song about me, a song where he said that he loved me.

I turned towards Armin and grabbed his pant leg, "Armin, is it to much to ask... that I continue Eren and Titan's legacy?"

Armin's eyes widened when he realized what I had meant, "O-Of course. I-I'll book you some shows when you're ready. Is it okay if I'm your manager, Levi?"

I nodded, "Yes. Alert will and will always be... Titan's manager."

---- 3rd Person POV ----

Eren sobbed silently into Hange's side as Levi Ackerman was being placed into the earth. Levi lived to the age of forty-two, much too young to die. He left too many behind, the ten year old Eren Ackerman being one of them.

Eren wiped his tears away as he grabbed onto Hange's hand, but more came to replace the ones he just wiped away. Due to the sudden death of Eren's adoptive father, Levi, Eren now was forced to move in with his godparent, Hange Zoe. He wasn't unhappy with living with Hange, as he loved them dearly, but it wouldn't be the same as living with Dad and hearing stories about Daddy, the father that Eren has been named after, but died long before Levi adopted him. Eren would live on though, for both Dad and Daddy and continue to smile every day, just to make someone's day. Levi always told him that he had Daddy's smile and his eyes too. His hair was dirty blond though, but Levi always told him that he loved his hair. He said it was the only good dirty thing in existence. This always made Eren smile.

However, Eren would never be the same boy after Levi's death. His death would forever haunt Eren.

A/N: This was so sad. I couldn't stop crying while writing it. I imagined Elicia from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood asking her mommy "why are they burying Daddy? Daddy said he had a lot of work to do" because Eren was just as innocent as Elicia. I would just like to thank each and every one of you for clicking on my story and I hope that you enjoyed it.

Fact two about Author-chan: I may be a tad bit sadistic. 😇😈

This chapter is dedicated to @BlueMatter25 on Wattpad and their gullibility. I wrote this chapter as a prank (maybe). Keep an eye out because there may or may not be another chapter after this. 😈😈😈😈

-Ari-gami aka Author-chan

I Don't Believe In Love Songs (Ereri/Riren AU) (COMPLETED) [#Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now