Chapter 9

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Eren's POV


I looked up to see Levi standing in the doorway, his hands shaking madly. Why was he here? Why does he look so broken over this?

"Hi Levi," I tried to force a smile, but the corners of my mouth were shaking, making it unconvincing.

Levi ran up and grabbed my hand. I looked up into his stormy gray eyes, the eyes that I had come to admire. I need to stop. He can't know about these feelings. I can't let someone in again and have a repeat of what happened with Annie. I won't let it happen. I can't handle it.

Levi was examining my body as I squirmed around in the hospital bed. It felt weird to have him studying me so intently. He kept looking at me as if I were some fragile, newborn baby.

"You're a dumbass, you know that?" Levi glared at me, but I could tell he wasn't really mad at me, "Who the hell lives off of sugary cereals for that fucking long? I'm surprised you didn't die. Having it in chocolate milk too?! How did you not get diabetes?! You worried Armin and me, you hear? Hange somehow found out and their shitty self was freaking the fuck out! You're eighteen, Jaeger. Act like it!"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, unable to make eye contact when Levi was so close, "I've just been... stressed lately."

I saw a girl with oddly colored hair walk in, texting furiously on her phone. Her hair was magenta with black and purple highlights strewn about. Her eyes were an intense shade of brown and she was gracefully beautiful.

"W-Who is she?" I asked.

Levi glared at me, "Xela Takeda."

Xela waved to me and walked up to me, looking me closely in the eyes, "You kind of remind me of Kaydence, but not quite. You're name is Eren, correct?"

I nodded. Her voice has so much authority.

"Are you Levi's girlfriend?"

She almost choked, "Hell no! I'm his bodyguard."

My eyes widened, "But you're even shorter than Levi!"

All of a sudden, I felt like I was being strangled underneath Xela's glare. Although she was way shorter than Levi at 4'11, she was so threatening that you'd think she was 7'2. Something in her eyes flashed and I could've sworn that they were the same magenta as her hair. It was only for a brief second though. I was probably imagining things.

"Stupid advertising for Author-chan's goddamn original stories," she muttered, shooting one last glare my way before walking out of the hospital, talking about how "Demon Prosecutors: Journals was out on Wattpad for people to read." 

I think she may be a little insane, but I kind of liked her. She just had that type of personality.

Levi started laughing his ass off, "You're on Xel's bad side. Damn, you may want to watch your back, Eren. She's supposedly a trained assassin. She once flipped Eyebrows over her shoulder when he accidentally startled her. Hange is already on her fourth pair of glasses this year due to her doing the same."

"How old is she?" I asked.

Levi tensed for some unknown reason, "She's seventeen at this moment. Why, do you have a thing for her?"

All of a sudden, a black cat jumped up on my bed and hissed at me. It's fangs were bared at me as if it were about to attack me. It's blue eyes were full of killing intent.

Xel came running in and scooped up the cat, opened the window, and threw the cat out of it.

"Fuck you, Kaydence!" she screamed, "Author-chan sent me, not you, you fucking asshole!"

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