Chapter 15

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Sorry about my picture sucking ass. I own all of the art in this story unless said otherwise. If anyone wants to draw something for this book, I would be honored and would definitely give you the credit you deserve! Make sure you see the whole picture, even though it's horrid. 😊

Eren's POV

I hummed softly as I waited for Luna to come out of her bedroom. Today we were celebrating her fifth birthday. We decided that a party was to be put in order. Levi was nervous as I just smiled fondly.

"How do I look?" Luna asked, twirling in her dress.

"Gorgeous," I kissed her on the cheek, "Your looks equal your mental abilities."

Luna was our pride and joy. She had dark black hair that she kept short with hot pink bows in her hair. Apparently Hange was right about the mutation thing. Luna had a mutation on chromosome nineteen that lead to her having Heterochromia iridium; one of her eyes had my color and the other one was Levi's. I honestly think she looks more like Levi than me, but Levi swears up and down that she looks more like me. Honestly, the only me I see in her is her skin tone and her left eye. She has Levi's thin eyebrows that furrow when she's deep in thought. Levi said her hair is kind of like mine because it's hard to get a brush through. He's got jokes.

Luna played with the dress I picked out for her. It was white with the straps bow, and hem being the same hot pink as her bows. She wasn't wearing shoes because if she did, Levi would probably flip shit. Honestly, she never would make that mistake. She's a major clean freak. If you've seen Hetalia, picture Chibi Italy cleaning up the house and you've basically have Luna. She's been cleaning since Levi was able to fit an miniature broom in her hands. Her room is the second cleanest in the house, Levi's and mine being the first, no thanks to me of course.

"Smile for the camera," I urged the now five year old.

She rolled her eyes, "I don't fucking want to."

"Luna Carla Ackerman!" I gave Luna a hard glance, "What have I told you about cursing?"

"Don't do it at school," Luna replied monotonously.

Levi just chuckled. He never got onto her for her language. He doesn't think it's a problem. Levi claims that Luna has 'a colorful vocabulary that aids in getting her message across.' Honestly, Levi just finds children cursing to be hilarious. I do too, but it's a different story coming from my kid.

Our doorbell rang and I opened the door to see preschoolers at the door holding various wrapped presents for my daughter. I smiled and let them inside.


I turned around to see Hange scoop up Luna and twirl her around. I smiled as I leaned against the bar, taking a sip of Coke. Coke has become one of my saviors since having Luna. It was a quick way of getting caffeine. I didn't have to wait for it to steep or make in the coffee pot, I just open a can of a bottle and drank it. Simple.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Shitty Glasses?" Levi glared at the brunette with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, "I don't remember you RSVPing."

"I am all about surprise entrances, Levi. Plus, I have the right to see my brother, brother-in-law, and goddaughter," Hange huffed, flipping their hair sassily.

Luna left to go play with her friends while we talked. Since the band... has gone off the grid, Hange had been focusing more on studies. They have made countless discoveries in the world of medicine. Levi was proud of them, although you'd never get him to actually say it. Contrary to popular belief, Levi was the one who brought up Hange being the godparent for Luna, not me.

"Levi's going crazy again," Hange motioned over to wear my husband was.

My eyes widened as I sprinted over to where Levi was most likely scaring the literal shit out of four and five year old boys.

"You keep your hands off Luna, or else you're gonna get it," Levi held his pistol up threateningly, inserting a clip into the gun, "That goes for everyone else too. It's 2021, I'm not some bigot."

I grabbed Levi as a boy started crying. I pulled Levi over to the bar and sat him down by Hange, "Now Levi, why don't you show Hange pictures of Luna? They haven't been by in a few months."

Levi's eyes lit up and he pulled out his wallet which he flipped open, pictures falling all the way to the ground in an accordion like fashion, "Look at Luna. She grows up every day! In this one, Luna lost her first tooth! Isn't she adorable? Say she's adorable or else I'll fucking snap your neck. Ooooh, this is a picture of my baby girl with glasses like the ones Eren wears. Isn't she precious? The prescription hasn't come in yet, and I am barely wait! This is my favorite, Luna got ahold of one of my cravats. I am dying from cuteness overload!"


I laid down on the bed I share with Levi. I smiled to myself. Sometimes I feel like I am living in a dream. Everything is just too good to be true. I traced my finger up and down Levi's abdomen. He turned to me and kissed me.

"What are you thinking about?" Levi's voice was tired and groggy.

"Just your dick," I joked.

Levi flicked me, "Tell me something I don't know, Eren. For real, though. What's on your mind?"

I started to play with the raven's hair, "Oh nothing much. I'm just glad that I won that competition so many years back and that you didn't die at that concert."

Levi looked up at the ceiling for a bit before his fingers intertwined with mine, "Yeah. Me too. I don't know what I'd be doing if I wasn't with you."

"Your probably still think you were straight," I laughed.

Levi clicked his tongue, "I'm not even gay, I'm just Eren-sexual. So shut your fucking mouth, Eren Ackerman."

I smiled fondly when he said my last name. We sat in silence for a while. It wasn't awkward at all. Nothing between us ever was anymore. The silences we shared were always comfortable and sometimes they said more than a novel ever could.

"Hey Levi?" I broke the silence as I started to feel my eyelids get heavy.

Levi hummed in response.

"I love you."

"And I, you."

A/N: And it is done. Thank you all for reading my crappy story. I have more original works on my profile. I will not be putting the phone down though. I already have six chapters for a new Ereri fic written. I won't be marking this story as complete until I make sure that everything is edited nicely and when I have the announcement for the next fic. So please keep an eye out and if you have commented liked/voted on anything of mine, I sincerely thank you. I am happy to have done this even though I felt awkward the whole time. I hope that it wasn't horrid and that my next ones will only get better. For those who have added this work to their list, you guys are very awesome. I don't know what I'd do without the readers. I'd of course still be writing, but it wouldn't be as fun.

This chapter is dedicated to Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. If you noticed the references in this chapter, you are amazing. It's probably weird to dedicate a chapter to a fictional character, but what the fuck ever. Hughes is the best anime dad ever.

Fact about Author-chan number eight: My favorite number is eight.

-This is goodbye, but it is not the end,
Ari-gami aka Author-chan

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