Chapter 10

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A/N: You can go with the last ending if you want to. Honestly, I really like that ending. It hits you right in the kokoro. I'll try to do that with the next ending as well. I'll make it a happy ending though. Or all of the following could be a dream. You never know. 😈😈😈😈

Levi's POV

I looked at my shirt, now crimson with blood. Not my blood, his. I stared at the Eren's lifeless body on top of mine, unable to move. All of the strength in my body had left me as I stared up at the boy who had saved my life, probably at the expense of his own.

The crowd was silent, which I didn't even know was possible. Erwin ran out and was yelling incoherent ramblings. I just continued to stare at the brunette who was still smiling down at me even though he wasn't awake. I was pinned down by this smiling idiot, the idiot who had saved my life. Oh how I wished it was me instead of him.

I didn't noticed the blaring of an ambulance until I felt Eren being lifted off of me.

"Is he okay?" my voice was shaky and it hurt to speak. I watched in utter terror as they lifted Eren up on a stretcher and then coming to me and doing the same.

"He has a pulse, if that's your definition of okay," one of the medics replied.

Tears started running down my face and I was confused by this unfamiliar sensation. Was I crying? There were about three people tending to me even though I didn't need them to.

"What are you doing? Go to him! I'm fine!" I screamed, flailing around as they tried to strap me down, "Don't touch me! Go help him!"

"Sir, you have three broken ribs and a concussion. Please let us tend to your wounds."

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE, ASSHOLES. GO DO YOUR JOB AND SAVE EREN!" the tears were coming down more frequently now as I continued to struggle.

I felt something pinch my neck and I instantly blacked out.


I stared at Eren's body and at the heart monitor. He hasn't been in a coma, but he hasn't been awake any of the times that I've come to visit. I called off the tour so that I could do this much.

Eren pushed me out of the way of a bullet. That said bullet was lodged in his chest, but the doctor claims that he was very lucky. They said a few more millimeters to the left and it would've hit some major artery connected to the heart and he would've died. Hange seemed to know exactly what they were talking about, as they are a doctor themselves.

"" Eren's voice was raspy.

I grabbed Eren's hand and kissed it, earning a surprised look and blush from the teal eyed boy.

"Did I miss something?" he laughed jokingly.

I looked up into his eyes. They were bright again, despite what happened. I couldn't stop a smile from ghosting over my lips.

"God, I love your smile," Eren whispered to himself, blushing lightly.

My eyebrows raised at this and I tightened my grip on Eren's hand, "I'm surprised you haven't commented on me kissing you yet, shitty brat."

Eren blushed, "I would've, but I kind of got shot like an idiot, trying to save you."

"You're right," I nodded, "you are an idiot."

"Hey!" Eren puffed out his cheeks, "That's not how you thank someone!"

"You're right," I smiled before standing up and kissing his lips, "Was that better? Up to your standards, brat?"

I Don't Believe In Love Songs (Ereri/Riren AU) (COMPLETED) [#Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now