Chapter 8

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Levi's POV

France is the same as always; devoid of ignorant Americans. Well, almost devoid of them. Of course there were people here on vacation and my band was here. My bodyguard was here as well. They aren't bad though. They're half Japanese and French, like me, so they speak French.

We've been here for two weeks already and I still haven't talked to Eren. I've been too busy I guess. I decided to message him.

Its_Levi_not_Rivaille: Oi, brat.

I sat by my laptop for a while, waiting. What the hell is taking him so long? Maybe this is the wrong Skype?

Twenty minutes later, Eren finally decided to reply.

Eren_bootylicious69: Hey, Levi...

Its_Levi_not_Rivaille: What's wrong, brat?

Eren_bootylicious69: Don't worry about it, Levi. I'm fine. Wbu?

Its_Levi_not_Rivaille: I'm gonna video call you. You better pick up, asshole.

I called him and he picked up after the fifth ring, "Yo. Why'd you call?"

I stared at Eren. He seemed to be focused on something else on his computer. He was wearing the same pair of headphones as a couple weeks ago. He had dark bags under his eyes and his eyes were a lot duller than usual.

"You look like shit," I replied. (Smooth, Levi. Really smooth.)

"Thanks. I try. You know it takes effort to look this shitty," Eren replied, not once looking up from his computer.

I cleared my throat and Eren shot his head up, his eyes widening slightly when he saw me.

"Well you don't look like shit," Eren mumbled.

I wasn't wearing a shirt and came out of the shower because I was bored waiting for the brat's reply.

I heard moaning coming from my computer and I almost fell off my bed, "Eren, what the hell?! What's up with the all the moaning? Do you have porn on the television?"

"It's probably Armin going horseback riding," Eren replied, again focused on whatever he was doing on his laptop.

"You aren't in your room either. Eren, what's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing much. I just went home to see my sister fucking my ex. It's no big deal. I'm just staying at Armin's house while him and his boyfriend have sex every goddamn hour while my sister is probably doing the same with my ex at my house," Eren snapped.

I reached out to touch Eren before I remembered that he was all the way in Texas, "I'm so sorry, Eren. Is there any way I can make you feel better?"

Eren's mouth opened before he shut it again. He shook his head. Tears were rolling down his face and he didn't even seem to notice. He just just kept doing whatever he was doing on that goddamn computer.

"Eren, I didn't know that you had earrings," I tried to change the subject.

"I have a lot of piercings. I usually only wear them to work," he replied absently.

"Where do you work? What other piercings do you have?" I asked, intrigued and glad that Eren was willing to talk.

"I work at Hot Topic. Close your eyes and I'll put in my other piercings," Eren tried to force a smile, but couldn't.

I covered my eyes until I heard Eren tell me it was okay to look. Eren had a nose ring in his right nostril and spider bites on his left side. They were hoops and not studs. Usually I'm not the biggest fan of facial piercings, but Eren pulled them off.

I Don't Believe In Love Songs (Ereri/Riren AU) (COMPLETED) [#Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now