Chapter 7

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I stared at the door a good five minutes after Levi had left. I rubbed my eyes and began cleaning up my mess, knowing that Mikasa would probably flip shit if she came home to a dirty ass kitchen. Not as much as Levi, but would still be pissed nonetheless. I started to hum as I put things into the dishwasher and wipe off the counter. The doorbell rang just as I was about to put up the food and condiments.

I skipped to the door and opened it to the cheerful face of Armin Arlert. Today was Eremin Night (not that way) so Armin had all kinds of goodies for our night. Last time was at his house, so he had my games that I had left over there. He had my Mortal Kombat X for the PS4 and various others.

I let him inside and his eyes widened when the smell hit him, "Eren, did you make taco burgers?"

I nodded, grinning ear to ear, "I have enough for you to have one."

Armin ran to the kitchen as I put MKX into the PS4. He ate his burger as I played "Test Your Might," one of the mini games. I was ferociously smashing the buttons as I tried to smash a skull (not like how he would smash Levi, but you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Armin cleaned up everything, including the condiments in the kitchen and then sat down next to me, grabbing the player two controller. I was always player one, no matter whose house I was at. I was a little bitch like that.

I picked Cassie Cage and Armin picked Liu Kang. My player flipped off Armin's just before we went to the arena (just proving that I play the game, m9).

Armin was so focused as we played. He seemed to think that he was beating me just because my heath bar was way lower than his. Cute.


I laughed and then popped my knuckles as Armin's character continued to beat mine. I picked up the controller and in ten seconds flat, beat Armin.

"How?" Armin cried throwing his arm over his eyes dramatically, "I was so close! At least that was only the first round. The winner will be decided in the third round."

"Armin, my innocent, innocent DJ Coconut. There will be no third round," I said as I pat Armin with my right hand.

"Cocky?" Armin rolled his eyes.

"Seven inches, bitch," I laughed.

"Gross, Eren. I didn't wanna know that," Armin shuddered.

The round started and I got right to business. I took Armin's character down right away, ending with an X-ray that I had from letting Armin hit me in the previous round. The TV yelled to finish him and I complied, using the selfie fatality.

"You just had to use an X-ray, a fatality, and get a flawless victory?!" Armin screamed, "Goddammit, Eren! How can I escape this shame?"

"Shame on you. Shame on your cow. Shame on your name!" I pointed to random places in the living room before collapsing back down on the couch, "Don't worry, Armin. Nothing is more shameful than dating a goddamn horse. This is nothing."

Armin opened a pack of Sour Patch Kids, Sour Skittles, and sour gummy worms. I pulled out my trash can and dumped everything in there, making sure that all of the powder got in too. You see, this wasn't an actual trash can, it was a candy jar that was shaped like Oscar The Grouch's trash can. I kept Sour candy in there and never cleaned it, so there was a thick layer of sour powder at the bottom. I clicked it closed and shook it around, making sure to coat the candy in the delicious sour goodness. (A/N: I do this in real life and it is the best thing ever. My mouth is watering right now. Send help.)

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