Chapter 1

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You look out the window staring at the Isle with a dreamy gaze. Your mother, Rapunzel, and your father, Eugene Fittsherbert/ Flynn Rider, left on another one of their adventures. Since they dropped you off at Arudon high, all you've done is go to classes and stare out the window. Your weird fascination with the Isle was a big no no in Arudon. You just felt bad for the people of the Isle that weren't chosen and didn't get a second chance.
*bzzzz bzzzz*
You look down at your phone to see your mom requesting a face time. You swipe the bar and see your mom in a've seen her in weirder places.
"Hi honey! How's my little ray of sunshine!?"
"I'm doing fine mom..."
You suddenly see your dad struggling to climb up the tree as he joins the conversation.
"Only fine? This isn't one of your girl teenage 'I'm fine,but I'm really not' charades is it?" You and your mother both giggle as he loses his grip and starts to slide down the side of the tree.
Your mom then whispers in the screen while smirking,
"He's just worried about you. Especially with those villain kids around." You let out a heavy sigh as you remember how much your dad hates the villain kids.
"Now! Meet any cute boys!" Your mom says going back into her perky self.
"Mom..." You groan, while your mom's just giggling up a storm.
"HEY! What's so funny?!" You heard your dad yell.
"Well...I have to go do homework and all...bye guys."
"Bye honey!" Your mom and dad yell at you through the screen in unison.  You plop on the bed, you already did your homework you just lied to get some alone time. You heard the low rumbling of your stomach and decide to go searching the hallways for a vending machine. You heard a loud chorus of laughter and see the vk kids walking together down the hall. They were so cool! They had awesome fashion sense and they weren't bad. They were like...bad but a good bad, it's hard to explain. You quickly turn to the closest vending machine and start to shove the money in the slot. You heard the laughter die down and felt a group of people behind you. You punched in the numbers on the vending machine and didn't dare look behind you till you heard Mal starting to talk to you.
"Sooo...are you knew here?"
You gulp, grab your small chip bag from the vending machine and swiftly turn to face them. You had a serious look on your face and you stood tall.
"Yes... actually I am. I was transferred here after being home schooled."
"Ah...ok" you heard Mal say with a click of her tongue.
"Oh my god!" You turn to Evie looking at you with a wide grin. She grabs you by the wrist and starts dragging you to her dorm.
"Your just the model I was looking for my new clothing designs!" Evie let's go of your wrist and starts rummaging through her dorm to find who knows what.
*Aye a timeskip!*
It's been three hours and you finally made it out of the dorm. Man that girl can talk and drain anyone of her energy. Although she was still cool to hang out with. You tried to ask her about the Isle, because that's all you ever dream about, but she said she didn't want to talk about it. You felt defeat as you heard loud gasps coming from the school entrance. You decided to go investigate and saw King Ben with two guys from the Isle. Looks like more vk's for my dad to hate.
"Everyone! Please calm down. These are our two newest students, Gil and Harry!" You heard those names before. Gil was the son of Gaston and Harry was the son of Captain Hook. Gil had a weird smile plastered on his face while Harry scanned the crowd with a smirk. He stopped right at you and gave you a full smile. Your heart skipped a beat and you turned around walking back into the building.
" Y/N!" You turn to see king Ben fast walking towards you with Gil and Harry sauntering behind. You stopped and turned to look him in the eye.
"Could you show these two their dorm? I have to go to a meeting." How can someone disobey the king right?
"Yeah, of course!"
"Great!" Ben then hands you the directions to their dorm. He then quickly walks away with his signature smile.
"Okay...follow me." You say while looking down at the paper. You then see a hook covering the paper and look up to see Harry's blue eyes.
"Well lookey here...we have a pretty green eyed lass to show us around~" Harry turns to Gil "Right Gil?"
"Hmmm?" Gil says with his mouth full of food. Harry let's out an annoyed sigh and you slip the paper away from under his hook.
"M'kay well let's get going." You say while walking up the stairs. They start to follow you with Harry following close behind.

Harry Hook, the sad bad boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now