Chapter 4

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You felt sunrays burn your eyes again, and wish the curtains in Arudon were thicker. You turned to your side and saw a note on your bedtable. You shifted your arm out of the covers and took the note from the bed side table.
It read,
"My dearest ray of light,
In which you burn so bright,
May I look upon your face tonight?
                 Your secret admirer"
What had no idea who could've written this note to you. It can't be Harry...he doesn't seem like the type to write poetry.
"What's that lass~?"
You jump up and crumble the paper in your fist.
"What're you doing in my room?!" You yell as you see Harry on his side on your bed.
"You really couldn't tell I was here? Your gonna get killed If you don't watch out~" Harry says while swinging his hook around.
"Ugh, just leave."
"Because I have to change."
"Well I wouldn't mind watchin' you change~"
You try to push him out of the door while grunting out,
"Well I do!" Harry uses both his arms and legs in a starfish position to block himself from being pushed out of the door.
"I told ya lass, it's hard to get rid of me~"
You sigh in defeat as he saunteres over to the bed side table and picks up the note. While twirling his hook he asks,
"What's this?"
You try to grab the paper out of his hand,but he pushes you away with his hook.
"Hey! Give it back it's embarrassing!" You yell trying to wiggle your way around his hook.
"Oho~ Someone is tryin' to steal ya from me~" You stop right when he said that. 'What?' You thought.' What does he mean by that?' He looks down at you and gives you a wide smirk.
"My~ Who knew that would make you blush?" He says teasingly as you realize the heat on your face. You stomp off into the bathroom with the clothes you laid out the other night.
"When I'm done changing you better be out of my dorm!" You yell slamming the door. You could hear his deep voice slightly muffled but still clear against the door.
"Do you need help changing~?
You couldn't believe what he just said and you kick the door with your foot.
You sigh before change into black jeans, a black t-shirt with a pink heart on the front, a choker with a pink heart that says 'can you not' and black converse. You wash your face, brush your teeth, and head out of the bathroom to brush your hair. You notice Harry staring at the paintings on the walls.
"Didn't I tell you to leave?" You say while walking over to your vanity.
"Yes you did, but I didn't." He says while smiling up at the paintings on the walls. You brushed your hair and put it up in a high ponytail. You check your satchel for your sketchbook, 'check' you thought. You slung the satchel around your shoulder, stuck your phone in your back pocket, then grabbed your keys. You stand by the door frame and wait for Harry to stop looking at the paintings.
"Well...are you coming?" You ask while jingiling the keys. He turns to you and smiles while walking out of the dorm. While you lock the door he says,
"I thought you didn't like me?"
"I don't.  I just don't want some dude in my room." You reply rather coldly. You heard Harry let out a slight chuckle.
"Also, how do you keep getting in my room? I always lock the door." You say while walking next to him. He then pulls a skeleton key out of his pocket, letting dangle.
"A skeleton key of course~" At that instant you snatch it out of his hand while he gives you a look of surprise. You then snap it in half and drop the pieces into the floor.
"My my~ Your very moody today~" You ignore him as you open your locker.
"Do you want to skip today?"
Harry asks you while leaning against your locker door.
"Why?" You respond with one raised eyebrow.
"Because we don't have any classes together today."
"How do you know?"
"I checked your schedule while you were changing." You sigh and look at your schedule. It was all the boring classes. You looked up at Harry, who of course was smiling at you, and you put everything back in your locker.
"Fine. But only because all the classes I have today are boring." You say in defeat. Harry's eyes light up in delight.
"Follow me." Harry says while grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you down to a grassy area. You felt your heart race as he drags you to the grassy area with beautiful cherry blossom trees. He let's go of your wrist and searches through the bushes. He throws a helmet to you, which you catch almost losing your breath at the impact. He pulls out a motorcycle and starts to put his helmet on. He sits on the motorcycle and extends his hand out to you.
"Let's go for a ride lass~" Harry says while smiling from ear to ear.
"Yeah...let's go." You say smiling while you grab his hand and is pulled onto the motorcycle. You place your helmet on and without hesitation he drives off at full speed making you hug him tightly. You hear his low chuckle as you both drive out of the Aurodon High entrance.

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