Cover Winner

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The winner is C! Thank you to all that have commented and participated! Hope you have a wonderful day or/and night.
Here's a sneak peek to the story.
'I don't miss him, I don't need him...' You thought as you walked into the flower shop. 'It was just a high school fling...' you sit at the counter and start to rearrange the flowers on the counter.  You heard a familiar voice and looked up to see your boss talking to someone. 'Oh no...why'd it have to be him?' You thought as you and Harry locked eyes. You looked away as he started sauntering up to you.
"It's been a long time since I last saw you lass~"
"Not long enough" you muttered as you walked into the back room.
"Do you and that customer know each other?" Your boss asks as he gives you a paper with flower orders.
"I knew him in high school." You say through gritted as you look over the list. The boss strokes his stubble as he looks at you knowingly.
"An ex-boyfriend eh?" You look at him with a serious expression.
"Sadly, yes we used to date."
"Why're always so serious..." your boss let's out a sad sigh, "Trust me,have fun when your young. Once you turn fifty you can't have as much fun as before."
"Why not?" You saw while moving flowers around the back room.
"Because your joints stop you from doing what you want to..." Your boss says while sadly looking down at the floor.
"Excuse me... is my bouget ready? Ah hello lass~"
"Goodbye." You say while giving him a roses and pansies bouget, probably for another one of his girlfriends that only last a week.
"Thank you,but please don't be so harsh lass~" Harry says while giving you money. Harry then walks out, he turns and smiles at you. You roll your eyes as you look over the list again. A small smile creeps on your face. 'No! None of that!' You thought as you checked the stock.

Harry Hook, the sad bad boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now