Chapter 6

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You call back your parents and when the screen opens up you see your dad scowling at the screen. You gulp as he crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.
"Where were you young lady?" You know how your dad gets, even if it's something small he'll get mad.
"I stayed late at class." You lied to him.
"Honey?" You hear your mom say in the background. "The school called and said you weren't at any of your classes today..." Your mom says giving you a look of disappointment. "Is something going on?" Your mom continues to say.
"Something going on?! She skipped! It must be the villain kids bad influence!"
"Well maybe it's something emotional." Your mom says softly.
"No! She's coming with us! We'll ship on a ship, plan, anything!" You father yells at the top of his lungs.
"NO EUGENE!LET HER BE A TEENAGER! SHE ONLY SKIPPED ONE DAY!" Your mother abruptly screams. Your father is taken aback, he hasn't seen her this mad since when they first met. Your dad then furrows his eyebrows looking like he's about to blow.
"You're only saying that BECAUSE YOU WERE STUCK IN A DAMN TOWER!" Your dad tells already regretting what he said. Your mom starts to get teary eyed.
"I'm sorry I--I didn't mean that..." Your dad says while soothing your mom as she softly sobs. You just sit there in the awkward silence.
"Oh it's ok..." Your mom says as she wipes her tears, "But if you say that again I'll hit you with my frying pan." You dad looks utterly terrified as he tries to escape the room.
"Thanks mom...for sticking up for me, and all that sappy junk." You say while flicking your wrists like how Harry usually does.
"What was that?" Your mom asks with an amused smile.
"Copying me friend." You while flicking your wrists even more dramatically.
"Oh really? Is this friend a boy?" Your mom asks on the edge of seat.
"Mom calm thyself...and yes."
"Really?! Is he cute??? Are you two going to start dating???" Your asks while practically jumping at hyper speed.
"Woah, woah mom calm down!" You say while laughing. You look to your side and see the helmet you wore on the motorcycle ride and realized you accidentally took it to your room.
*knock knock*
"Who is it?!" You yell, but in a sweet voice and not an annoyed voice.
"It's me..." Harry says while opening the door with a wide smile. "I need my helmet."
You almost died because you saw the look of surprise from your mom.
"Yeah, sorry... I was in a rush so I just took it." You say while handing him his helmet.
"Who's this?" Harry says while twirling his hook.
"Ah, this is my mom, Rapunzel." You say while gesturing to the screen. Harry dramatically bows while taking his hat off, and of course smiling.
"Such a pleasure to meet you~" Your mom smiled widely and said,
"And it's a pleasure to meet you too!"
"Well, I have to go. See you tomorrow lass~" Harry says while winking at you and leaves the room. Your mom let's out high pitched squeals nearly deafining you.
"What's his name?!" Your mom screams through the screen.
"Harry, and geez mom you made my ears bleed."
"Is he always so...HOT?" Your mom says while emphazing the 'hot' part.
"Ahem!" Your mom turns to see your dad leaning up against the wall.
" how long were you there?" You ask scared out of your pants.
"Only...the whole time." You dad says while furrowing his brows.
"Stop talking to that kid, he's obviously a villain kid." Your dad says while storming out of the room. You and your mom both sigh of disappointment at the same time.
"Although...your father may be right. He does look like a big flirt." You mom says matter of factly.
"Yeah well we can still be just friends right?" You say through the screen with desperation.
"Yeah...but don't let your heart get broken by a player." Your mom says while waving her finger.
" married a player." You say while raising an eyebrow. Your mom shows an 'I'm offended' look.
"Well, night my little ray of light!" Your mom says while ending the call. You sigh as you lay down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling painted with stars. You turn to your side and see a note. You unfolded and were surprised by what you read.
"This time I shall not ryme,
For you are too divine.
Why weren't you at school today? I missed having the classroom lite up by your smile. I hate it when you spend all your time with Harry...he doesn't deserve you. I do. I deserve you. I've watched you since the day you enrolled here. Please say you'll be mine.
             Your secret admirer"
'You let out a small gasp, watching me? This better be a troll.' You thought while hearing a shuffle at your windowsill and low male grunting. You turn to see a figure in the darkness entering your room through the window.

Harry Hook, the sad bad boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now