Chapter 22

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You woke up with a giant pain to your head. You felt shuffling next you. You turn to see Harry asleep cuddling your arm. You slightly smile at how he spent the whole night with you after you cried yourself to sleep. 'Mom...' you think as you put a pillow over your head.
"Hey ok?" You hear Harry ask as you keep the pillow on your head. Harry takes the pillow off of your head as he kisses your cheek. You blush deep red and bury your face in the sheets. You hear Harry's deep chuckle as he lays back down.
"Y/N!!!" You hear Jun yelling as he slams the door open, you and Harry both groan of annoyance in unison.
"What?" You ask sleepily.
"Um...i-I heard the news..." Jun said shyly as a tired Gil walks up from behind scratching the back of his head.
"What's all this noise?" Gil says in between a yawn. Jun jumps away at the sudden presence of Gil.
"Let's just all have a meeting in my doorway shall we?" You say sarcastically as you put your face back in the bed sheets.
"Uh...he--hello?" Danny says while coming in with a stuffed bag.
"Danny!" You jump up and pull him into the room.
"Danny?..."Jun whispers in shock as Gil shows a look of jeoulosy.
"Let me see!!" You excitedly yell as Danny pulls out mom's many journals about her life.
"Woah, that's a lot of books." Harry and Gil say in unison as Jun scoots closer to Danny and you.
"Uh...hey Jun..." Danny awkwardly says as Jun starts standing closer to you a little shy.
"Hey..." Jun replys as he picks up one of the journals and starts to read it.
"This will be great, do you have the flags?" You ask as you skim through the pages of mom's sketch book.
"Grandma said they should be delivered by Monday." Danny replys as he starts to put the books back into the bag.
"Perfect." You say smiling, "And I have the paint ready." You smile even wider. All of you had agreed to make mom's funeral a celebration of her life. You didn't want to dwell on her death, you knew she would die one day, but you wanted it to be a peaceful old age death. You feel your eyes geo moist as you push everyone out of thw door except Harry.
"Harry..." You say in a low tone as he walks to you.
"What's wrong?"Harry asks concerned.
"Is Gil gay?" You ask as you look up at him.
"Oh my god...i thought it was something serious...geez lass." Harry says as he flops onto the bed.
"It is serious! I must knooowww!" You say as you jump on top of Harry. Harry let's out an oomph sound as he starts to chuckle.
"Ok..."Harry says as you roll of him onto the other side of the bed.
"Gil...well..." Harry then sits up as a thinking look spreads across his face, " do I explain it?"
"He's bi?" You say bluntly as Harry nods smiling.
"I SHIP IT!" You yell with determination.
"Ship what?" Harry asks as he tilts his head.
"Gun of course! Or Jil? Jul? Gul? I'll find a ship name..."You smile mischeviously.
"There's always a little bit of fangirl in everyone..." Harry mumbles.
"What was that?" You ask putting your ear closer to him. He bites your ear and jump away.
"KINKY!" You yell as Harry laughs his butt off. You throw a pillow at him, as he catches it he winks at you.
"Flirt...playboy...womanizer..." You mumble as you open up your sketch book and criss crossed on the floor.
"Nooo. Come back over here..." Harry wines as you give him the cold shoulder. You hear him get off the bed as you felt his breath on your neck.
"Lass~" Harry then starts the cuddle you sitting down while resting his head on your shoulder.
"What are you drawing?" You feel a little bit of heat on your cheeks as you glanced his way. He glances at you and you both stare at each other. He leans in as you lean in with him...
"HEY! CAN I BORROW YOUR SHAVER?!" Jun yells as he barges in. You both jump away from each other with red faces.
"Jun... I may not have good grades but I ain't that stupid..." Gil says while pulling Jun back out and closing the door. You start to giggle as you stood up.
"Jil forever..."You whisper squealed as you picked up your sketch book. You put your sketch book down as you felt Harry's eyes watching your every movement.
"Are you sure you're...ok?" Harry asks still worried about you.
"Yeah... Mom would've wanted me to be smiling. I'm sure she'll love the 'funeral' from heaven." You say while looking up and smiling. Harry smiles as he tackles you with more hugs and cuddles.
"Harry! What the heck?!" You yell while laughing as he cuddles you.
"I...I love you..." Harry says while burrowing his face in the crook of your neck. You smile as you look down at him.
"I love you too."
"And I personally welcome you to the family..." Danny says while walking out of the bathroom. Both of you look at him wide eyed and embarrassed.
"Don't mind me." Danny says while walking out of the dorm.
The end? You tell me. Do you want me to continue this book? Make cute moments? Make a second book? It's up to you, the readers.
By my loves~💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

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