Chapter 3

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You were sitting in class dozing off when you felt a sharp poke at your side. "Gah!" You yell  and everyone in class turns to look at you while Harry is snickering in the background.
"Are you ok Y/N?" Fairy godmother asked while showing a look of concern.
" yeah, just a...dropped something..." You say while nodding. Fairy godmother smiles and turns to her blackboard continueing with her lesson. You give Harry a side glare as he winks at you with that smirk you just want to slap off his face.
After the bell rang you quickly got up and dashed out of the room. You were overly excited for your next class, your favorite class, ART CLASS! You smile to yourself as you open the doors to art class.
*Thee Timeskip*
It was 20 minutes in class when you heard the low creak of the door opening. Yup...its Harry. You thought as you went back to sketching in your sketch book. He sat right next to and started to scribble random lines on a blank piece of paper.
"You're late..." You whisper as you kept looking at the paper.
"Well you ditched me..." he said in kind of a sad tone. You ignored him and went back to sketching. You could feel him looking over your shoulder. His closeness made you feel very uncomfortable. It seemed like the heat in the room was drastically rising.
"Aye, you draw pretty good!" Harry says overdramaticly. He put his hook under your chin and made your face turn to look at him. You abruptly stood up to go over to the color cabinets. You don't know why he's like this,but you wish you weren't falling for it. The more you want to avoid him, the more you want to know him. Maybe it's just the bad boy infatuation that has you feeling attracted to him. You let out a sigh as you pick up a box of color pencils and walk back to your seat. You focus on shading in your sketch not listening to what Harry was rambling on about. You tried to ignore him for the rest of the day,but he's very overdramatic. It's finally the end of the day. After buying a coffee from the coffee vending machine you open up your dorm door. You see Harry sitting on your bed while admiring his hook.
"Ahem!" You say while leaning on the door post. He looks up at you and gives you a heartmelting smile.
"I've been waiting for you~" he says while jumping off the bed and slowly walking towards you.
"What're you doing here? And how did you get in?" You ask while hearing a flush from your bathroom. At that moment you hear Gil's voice.
"Aye! I wouldn't go in there if I were you!" Gil says while laughing and walking out.
"Oh...hi...yeah I wouldn't go to the bathroom if I were you."
You glare at him and point to the door signaling him to leave. He puts his hands up in surrender and walks out.
"Did you want to be alone with me that bad?" Harry says in a seductive tone. You blush deep red and point to the door while glaring at him. Harry walks closer to you, only inches away from your face.
"You can't get rid of me that easily lass~" You grab him by the collar and drag him out while he let's out high pitched laughs.
"But lass--" before he could finish his sentence you slam the door.
You heard buzzing coming from your phone and notice your mom requesting another face time. You swipe it to start call and see mom's eyes taking up the whole screen. "Woah!" You yell slightly taken aback.
"Hiiii!!!!" You hear your mom squeal as she energetically waves through the screen.
"Hey." You say while softly chuckling.
"HEY! Honey do you know where I left the map!?" You heard dad yell while seeing him trip over piles of papers and scrolls.
"Where are you guys at?" You ask as mom pulls the map out of her bag.
"Oh I don't know, that's why your dad is checking the map." She says while smiling. I smile back until her face goes serious, which wasn't often.
"Listen my little ray of sunshine... the trip may last longer then we originally planned. Is it ok if you stay enrolled at Arudon high a bit longer?"
"Can I stay forever? I mean... I like it here..." You say,but for some odd reason you think of Harry.
"Is this about a boy?" You mom askes excitedly.
"It better not be!" You hear dad yell while tripping up in rope.
"'s just...i want to make some friends..."
Your mom gives you a sweet and sincere smile.
"Ok dear, I believe this is best for you. And if you see any cute boys I'm all ears!!!" You mom yells over the phone. You notice you dad all tied up in rope with his pout face on in the background.
" I think dad needs some help."
"Oh! Oh my Uegene are you alright?!"
"Yeah if you call being tied up in rope alright.." Your dad replied with a snarky attitude.
"Bye sunshine, your father's a little 'tied up' at the moment! Eh eh?"
"Oh geez mom, night"
"Good night!"
*call ended*
For some reason, your looking forward for tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing someone tomorrow...Harry... why does he make you feel this way? You try to stop thinking about him, but you couldn't get him out of your dreams.

Harry Hook, the sad bad boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now