Chapter 18

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Don't mind the picture at the top, just laugh at it if you think it's funny. Also the music is at the top if you swipe away the pic of the awkward dog. Btw, the reason chapter 16 was so confusing was so you could feel what the girl felt. To feel the confusion to fully get into thw story, because you know...she is you.

Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up to light shining in my eyes. I turn to my side and notice a window with trees as tall as the sky. This...was where I grew up as a kid... I ran to a mirror and say my 14 year old self. I touch my face, my eyes growing wider and wider as I don't understand the situation. I turn on my old phone, the one I used when I was 14, and saw people staring at me. Words popped on the thoughts... I check through the story and see my whole life...but directed to the people across the screen. No...this must be another confusing trick that shadow is doing.
'Remember Y/N...' I hear in my head.
"It's all fake." I turn to see the shadow staring at me and smiling walking to the door way.
"Ah...what a lovely place to live... too bad YOU ruined it..." the shadow said with distaste.
"Listen..." I start to say," what the hell is happening?!" I yell throwing my arms in the air.
"Well..." the shadow says while tilting his head,"You need to overcome your past mistakes...and if you don't..." the shadow then let out a sly smile.
"I'" the shadow then suddenly appeared next to my face and whispered,"waiting..."
I felt a gush of air as the shadow disappeared. My heart slightly started to race...
"Sis?" My eyes widen as I turn to see Danny looking at me confused in the doorway. The shadow then reappeared making a shush motion with his finger, while keeping a hand close to Danny's neck. I gulp and choke out the words,
"Uh...hi Danny..."
Danny still looks at me with the same look. I tilt my head confused of why he didn't react.
"DON'T TALK TO ME!!!" I hear myself yell. What? I thought as I turned to see myself at 14 shouting with her face red and tears streaming down her face. She then ran through me, making my form shift to what it currently is. 'No...stop.' I thought,
'Don't fight...not like this...' I looked around the room as the scene replayed, exactly how it had happened before. I cover my eyes and ears trying not to relive what has happened, what I killed. My best friend...

Rapunzel's P.OV

God...why? She must be rejecting,  she must not be accepting what has happened. She's still running. Hiding from what happened, and if she doesn't deal with it head on the shadow of her past will only follow her around.

"Rapunzel?" I snap out of my thoughts as I heard Harry's voice. Harry looks sad and scared as he looks down at Y/N.
"Yes dear?" I said with a sad smile.
"Will Y/N...really be alright?"
I nod my head as tears start to form at the corners of my eyes. I then start to shake my head.
"I don't know dear..." I say while cupping my face with my hands.
"Where's Eugene? He should be here." Harry asks looking slightly angry.
"I... I don't know..." is all I can muster out looking at my little ray of sunshine being devoured by dark black clouds. (Not literally, metorphoracly.)
"Is there anything I can do?" Harry asks looking at Y/N and gripping her hand.
"Let me...think." I say before adruptly standing up and walking out of the room. Can Harry help her? I think as I pace down the hallway.

Harry's P.O.V

"Y/N..." I whisper to Y/N as she lays unconscious. I squeeze her hand even tighter as I feel moisture in my eyes. 'No... I must stay strong... for Y/N' I think as I look at Y/N's panicked face covered with cold sweat.
"Lass..." I say with worry," please come back...face it head on. Go for it! Don't run away... I've tried to run away before...and... it didn't end well." I say as I glance to the side of the room. Why?  Why can't I get attached to someone without losing them?


"Aye Harry, you ready?!"
"Let's goooo!!!!" I yell a little kid in an oversized pirate captain hat.
"Now, now calm down... we must get on the ship before we get excited!"
"Yay! Let's go kick some scurvy butt!"
"D-dad? What was that?"
"Run! Harry! Let us handle it!"
Dad let out his war cry, his last war cry. I hid behind barrels as my dad and his crew fought off the enemy. I stared in disbelief as a bomb went off amd blew my dad to pieces. His hook landed and rolled towards me...with his blood splattered all over it.

*end of flashback*

I want to be strong enough to save save Y/N, but how? It seems like it's all in her head. How to help someone fight what you can not see?

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