Chapter 7

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Please listen to this song while reading, you know if you want
- Indigo
Meanwhile in Harry's dorm...

"Have you gotten her abourd out plan? " said Uma with a threatening look through the screen. She was at an island with a Wi-Fi hotspot so she could face time Harry.
"Almost..." Harry says while smiling to himself. Uma evily laughs as she shakes her shoulders.
"But...why do we need her?" Gil says as he pops up from the background. Uma sighs in frustration as she twirls her long blue braids.
"Because...her mother is more powerful than the fairy godmother herself and her father used to be one of the most cunning theives in the land. He stole anything he wanted without being caught. With parents like that shes bound to have learned or gained some type of power. If not then we'll use her as a hostage. They love their daughter don't they?" Uma finishes as she starts to cackle, with Gil laughing in the background. For some reason Harry didn't laugh...he felt...sadness? Regret? He hasn't felt these feelings since the loss of his father...Harry looks down at his hook and starts to stroke it. He shakes his head snapping himself out of his sad trance and fake laughs with the rest.

Back at Y/N's dorm...

Your eyes widen in horror as you see the son of  Mother Gothel. He smirks at you, his eyes glazed over. You feel your heart race out of your chest as he pulls out a knife. He gives you a wide smile covering his whole face.
"How---ho--how did you get here?" You stutter alarmed by the knife. He lunges at you and pins you against the bed pinning you down. You felt your phone being pressed against your butt. You wince as he tightens his grip on you.
"Do you even know my name?" He breaths out, his face only inches away from yours. Your eyes widen.' What was his name?' You thought 'Y/N now is not the time to forget!' You mentally scream. You open your mouth to take a guess but you close it not having the slightest idea.
"Do you hate me that bad?" He says pressing the knife to your cheek. You gasp as blood starts to trickle down the side of your face. He then brings the knife with your blood up to his face and licks it off. 'Oh god what the hell?' You think before he throws the knife to the ground.
"Did you think I was going to kill you?"
'Well yeah! You climbed in through my window and brought out a knife!' You panic in your head.
"Huh?" You say looking up.
"It's my name..." He he says before leaning down and licking the blood off of your cheek. You felt reaaalllyyy uncomfortable.
"Wtf is wrong with this guy?"
You feel  muffling in your pocket like someone was talking. You then realize you butt dialed someone.
"Hey! Get off of me!!! I don't care if you weren't going to kill me, WHY'D YOU BRING A KNIFE?!" You scream at the top of your lungs hoping the person on the other line would hear you. You felt a sharp yank by the hair and is forced to look up.
"Ahhh!!!" You scream as he tightens his grip on your hair.
"How dare you say such a thing. You will learn to love me..." Kiel growled under his breath. You felt your eyes tear up and you try to force yourself not to cry.

At Harry's dorm...
"Harry?! Where ya goin'?! Who called ya?!" Gill yells at Harry as he runs down the hill with only his trusty hook. Harry runs all the way down to your dorm, trying to open the door, but to no prevail. It was locked. He jimmys the handle even more but nothing works. Finally Harry started to scrap and claw through the door. He almost made a hole...the size of a penny. He couldn't take it anymore! He lifted his leg and kicked down the door panting and searching the room. He sees the window open with the curtains flowing in the night air. He looks outside the window and sees a talk man about his age carrying a knocked out Y/N on the rooftops of other dorms. Harry grunts of disappointment and leaps off the window onto the nearest rooftop. Harry slips and dangles from the edge of the building.

Harry Hook, the sad bad boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now