Chapter 15

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You wake up and feel weight on your side and your legs. You turn your face to see Harry staring at you while snuggling you. He slowly smiles, noticing your awake.
"Was I so comfortable that you fell asleep?" Harry says while winking. You let out a sleepy groan and turn your head.
"Wasn't it nap time?" You mumble as you close your eyes again.
"But I'm hungry, come on let's get something to eat." Harry says while shaking you.
"HEYYY!" You angrily yell as you spring up.
"Come ooonnn." Harry said while smiling, "I'm hungry lass~" he continued as he rubbed his stomach. You roll your eyes and look at the time on the phone.
"'s 12 so we can get some lunch..." You say as you see some unread text messages.
"Yay! Let's goooo!!!" Harry says while rushing out the door.
"HARRY! Wait!" You yell while laughing and shoving your phone in your back pocket.
You and Harry head down the cafeteria and see a few students eating, talking, reading, etc. After you and Harry got your food you both sat down next to Gil stuffing his face with food.

"Hey Gil" you say while Gil nods his head smiling while swallowing his food. You pick some fries from Harry's plate and stuff them in your mouth. Harry looks at you and puts his hands up saying, "Hey! Ya theif!"
He yells while taking away a piece of your brownie.
"Nooo, anything but my brownie..." You says while pouting. Harry smiles and eats the piece of brownie he stole.
"Hey guys..."Jun said while sitting in front of you and Harry.
"Hey Ju--"
"Go away" Harry says interrupting you. You slap Harry's arm while giving an angry expression.
"What?" Harry says, "He broke your heart, and he could be bi or whatever, what if he steals you from me?"
"Thank you for caring, but I'm more worried of him stealing you. "You sigh
Jun sat there awkwardly poking at his chicken.
"Hey, are ya gonna eat that?"
Jun looks up and see's Gil looking down at him.
"Oh, uh yeah I am." Jun quietly says picking it up and taking a bite.
"Aww, ok. "Gil says before sitting back down. You look at him and wiggle your eyebrows while glancing at Gil. Jun then mouths 'shut up' while eating the rest of his chicken.
"Hey Y/N!" You look up and see Audrey flashing a fake smile at you. "Can we go have a girl talk?"
You hesitated and then stood up,
"Sure..." You say unsure," I'll be back guys."
Audrey leads you to the hall and then drops her smile.
"Listen...what's up with you and Harry?" She says while crossing her arms.
"Uh...what do you care? I thought you liked princes." You said raising an eyebrow.
"I date the hottest guys.. and I flirted around with Jay,but he didn't like me..." She said while twirling her hair," so I settled for Chad, then broke up with him he's the hottest now is Harry." You just stare at her in disbelief before you start to walk away.
"Where do you think your going?!" Audrey yells as you ignore her.
"Uggghhhh!" Audrey yells throwing a tantrum before walking out of the cafeteria.
"What did...uh...what's her name want?" Harry says, not remembering Audrey's name. You giggle and say,
"Nothing, she's just being a bitch." You say while sitting down. You notice that your brownie's gone. You glare at Harry while he smiles down at you.
"Where's my brownie?"
"You won't need it." Harry says while pulling out a basket of brownies from under the table with a giant red now on it. You gasp as he sets it in front of you.
"Harry..."You says in awe," I'm going to get fat." Harry chuckles and wraps his arm around you.

*after lunch*

You just finished face timing your parents as you see shadows against the walls of the hallway. You stop and start to walk back to the door of your dorm. You felt scratching at your sides and scream in pain. You kick at a shadow and heard an "ow" as the other shadows disappeared. You tackle the one shadow and start punching it. The shadow kicks you off and starts running towards you. You look up at the shaDow and see only a wide toothy grin. You kick the shadow in it's 'face' as it falls down on it's back.
"This wasn't as easy as she said..." the shadow growled under it's breath. "I'll be back" the shadow said before it disappeared in thin air. You run to your room and lock the door behind you as you rethink what happened. 'I've seen that shadow before...' You thought,' but where have I seen that shadow before?'
*bzzz* You look down at your phone and widen your eyes to what you saw.

???: I'll get you next time

???: with my weapons...

???: she said I could do anything to you as long as I get you out of the way...

Y/N is typing...

Y/N: who are you?

???: Just know that I'm coming for you...

???: and you won't escape, not this time...

Y/N: this time? Have we met before?

???:yes...and no...

Y/N: What does that mean?!

Y/N: answer me!!!

???: say goodbye to Harry, you'll disappear soon enough

'What?' You thought as you hugged your self tight. What do I do? Tell Harry? Mom? Dad? Who?

???: Also don't tell anyone I'm here to kill you or won't have any family members left...

You gasp and cover your mouth thinking about your mom and dad. If you told anyone...they could die. You sit in the darkness staring at the window. You lock all the Windows and lock your door. You sit wide awake on your bed, 'please be a dream...please be a dream...' You thought as you heard someone trying to open the door. You then hear someone trying to knock down the door. You freeze in fear afraid of what could come in through the door...

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