Chapter 2

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After a long silent walk, that was very awkward and the feeling of a pair of eyes watching you, you finally make it to their dorm. You let out a sigh of relief and quickly turn around and smile.
"Ok well this is your dorm!" You say relieved of finally ending the awkwardness. You then go back to your serious expression while giving them the keys.
"Now if you have any questions just ask anyone in Arudon they'll help you out." You say while walking away. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turn to see non other than Harry.
"But...what if I want to ask you some questions?" Your eyes widen and you feel your face heat up. You shove his hand off your shoulder and let out a sigh of annoyance.
"I'll probably be walking around somewhere then you can just... I don't know ask me a question. But I really have to go." You reply coldly as you walk away.
" I don't think she likes you..." Gil says while staring into the dorm.
"Well then...I'll just have to get her to like me. It's the ones that play hard to get that makes it fun." Harry replies while walking into the dorm. Meanwhile you're  in your dorm plopping onto your bed. For some reason you can't stop thinking about Harry and his light blue eyes, his cocky smile, and the way he walks with don't know how to explain it. You shake your head and bundle yourself up in your blankets.
*The Next Morning*
You wake up to sunrays burning your eyes. You let out a groan and then spring out of bed. You put on black and blue spandex that had arms that looked like they were arms from a concert. You then slipped on a once upon a time tanktop with a giant apple tree. You start to brush your teeth and realize you have to go to school... You stomp over to your vanity and brush your brown shoulder length hair. You hear a knock on the door and yell "Come in!" You were scrubbing your face clean with your washcloth when you hear male snickering.
"Lass~ That's not very attractive." You jump up and roll your eyes.
"What're you doing here?" You question as you go over to the coat rack to put on your jean jacket.
"I want you to show me where my first class is." You look over your shoulder and see him smirking at you while leaning on the door frame.
"M'kay what's your first class?" You say while rummaging through your splatterpainted chest.
"It's..." Harry trails off while looking at his schedule, " What's manners class?" He says with a confused look. You stand up while shoving a sketch book into your satchel.
"It's a class where you learn to be good or whatever, you know to follow the rules. To know what the right thing is to do, how to eat at the table, etc." You explain while slinging your satchel around your shoulder.
"Hmmm...sounds borin'. Do you wanna skip?"
"Nah it's my nap time." Harry looks at you shocked.
"So not all Arudon kids are entirely good?" You shove him out of the doorway as you close the door and lock it with your keys.
"Well lass~ it's good to know I have a class with you." You scoff as you start to make your way down the hallway.
"So do you know which locker you have?" You ask as he catches up to you. He opens up a crumpled up piece of paper from his pocket and starts to read from it.
"B...6. B-6, that's my locker number lass~" he says while giving you a sneaky smile. You groan as you realize your number is B-7.
"What's the matter lass?" He says not really sounding that concerned.
"Nothing just...whatever." You say while opening your locker and taking out your manners class notebook. Harry stares at you smiling while you put your notebook in your satchel.
"What?" You say looking at him annoyed.
"Oh nothing..." he says smiling and starts to walk away...but He's walking the wrong way...
"Wait! Harry!"
"Hmmm?" He says slightly turning around.
"Your going the wrong way...its this way." You say pointing behind you. Harry tilts his head and keeps smiling while he walks towards you.
"I...knew that." He says with a nervous laugh. You scoff at him and turn around slowly walking in the direction of the class room.
"Yeah...sure you did." With that you and Harry make your way to class.

Harry Hook, the sad bad boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now