Chapter 11

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Music at the toooppp. Listen if you want.
You felt his last breath leave his body. You sing the song with desperation and see the light surround the wound. He doesn't wake up. You shake him and still nothing. You try to contain your tears, but they endlessly flow out. You bury your face into his chest and cry there. You hear Uma waking up and look to her with tears in your eyes. Uma looks at you, the at Harry.
"No..."She whispers, she starts to laugh nervously," no Harry wouldn't die that easily!" You go back to crying in his chest with mom patting your back and crying with you. Rapunzel then gets up covering her mouth and trying to contain her tears. Uma starts punching and kicking at the wall. You felt a hand at the pet the the top of your head. You look to see Harry smiling at you. You hug him by the neck an yell, "Don't ever leave me again!" You squeeze his neck harder making him chuckle as he wraps his arms around yours. You bury your face into his chest and he burys his face into the crook of your neck.
"Ha! I knew he couldn't die that easily!" You heard Uma yell victoriously.
"Oh thank goodness your alive!" You heard your mom say in relief. You help Harry up, since he still feels a little pain.

*You all arrive at Arudon*
" can enroll here." You say before laying Harry down on his bed.
"Nah, I like exploring different islands..." She says while looking out the window. "Besides this place ain't really my style." She looks to you and looks at your long blonde braid. "What're you gonna do about that?" She asks while pointing at your braid.
"I'm...not really sure." You say while gripping your hair.
"I like it~ But you look beautiful anyway lass~" Harry says in a seductive tone. You feel your face flush red.
"Well I'm gonna go now, keep in touch Y/N.. I think we can get along..." and without another word Uma leaves. You turn to Harry looking down at him.
"You scared me..." You say in a hushed whisper. He smiles at you and sits up. He then pats the spot next to him for you to sit down. You hesitantly sit down next to him. He looks into your eyes and said,
"Well lass, I couldn't see you die..." He  says with a serious expression.
"But if you died... I would die a little inside. You stole a piece of my heart that cannot be filled in by anything else you little thief." You responded half teasingly, but meaning every word you said.
"Aww does this little lass like me?" He asks you and you tilt your head to the side.
"Maybe a little more than like..." You say while slightly blushing. You look away trying to hide your blush.
"Y/N...look at me." You hear Harry say. You turn to look at him and feel the crash of lips against yours. You were surprised at first then started to kiss back. You both pull away, with Harry smiling at you.
"You kissed back~" Harry said teasingly.
" I didn't" You said while turning deep red. You both hear throat clearing and turn to see your parents and the police in the doorway.
"We heard the story from your parents...we wanted to see if your ok..." one of the police officers said feeling uncomfortable. You both smile.
"Yes everyone's fine...except for maybe the Gothel brothers." You say to the police officer. They all walk out of the doorway except for your dad. You shows a neutral expression.
" almost died for my daughter huh?" Eugene asked.
"Ah...yes I did. I would do anything for this lass~" Harry replied.
"Well...i guess your not that bad, but I'm keeping my EYE on you." You dad says before walking away.
"He's warming up to you..." You whisper to Harry.
"Well I hope so lass, I am your boyfriend." You feel your face flush up as he said those words. He pokes you and then says,
"Oi you like a tomato!" You slap his hand away and slightly pout.
"Awww did I make you mad?" Harry says before cuddling you. You lay your head back into his shoulder and look up at him.
"No I just wanted you to cuddle me." You said while smiling.
"I could do a lot more than that..." Harry whispers in your ear. Your eyes widen as you blush an even deeper shade of red. "I can be a human plush pillow!" He says enthusiastically.  You sigh a breath of relief.
"Did you think of something else?" Harry said while smirking.
"Nope." You say while wildly shaking your head. He puts his head in the crook of your neck and you smile to yourself. Although, the jeoulosy and envy of others could lead your relationship ship astray. With many wanting you two to break up, will you two endure it together? Or will you both break off ties from each other? You'll have to wait, and read to find out.

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