You wish you could see the Isle, but at the same time you wish you didn't have the urge to. Being the daughter of Rapunzel Y/N never thought her free spirit could lead her into a romantic endevure. Will Y/N learn the secrets of Harry Hook? Will she...
Music at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ "Hey Y/N..." Jun awkwardly said while you just gave him a dull stare.You brushed past him and walked out of the office. 'Not dealing with that bs' You thought as you walked back in your dorm. *bzzzz* You look down and see that Harry texted you.
Harry: hey lass~ ;)
Y/N: Hey :D
Harry: Well look who's happy~~
Y/N: shut up
Harry: I'm bored
Harry: wyd?
Y/N: Nothing, how about you?
Harry: Dreaming about you ;)
Y/N: Awww
Harry: Did I make you blush?
Y/N is typing....
Y/N: no
Harry: That took you a while to reply
Harry: I totally made you blush ;)
Y/N stop winking!!!
Harry: Do my digital winks make you blush?
Harry: wait till you see my real winks. ;)
Y/N: I can't with you right now...
Y/N: I have to take a makeup test. Ttyl 😙
Harry: Love you~💓
You smiled at that last part and turned your phone off. You started your test...and your got bored of it easily.
*1 hour later* 'Damn I'm never skipping another day of school again...that test was hard!' You thought as you stretched out. You looked down at your phone and saw that Uma texted you.
Uma: Girl I'm borrreeddd
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Y/N: Hey
Uma is typing...
Uma: Took you long enough...
Y/N: Sorry I had to finish a test
Uma: On the weekend? Dang Arudon kids are such goodie two shoes...
Y/N: I had to retake the test because I skipped that day
Uma is typing...
Uma: You skipped?!0.0 Woah didn't know what a little baddie there is in you, although I could've done a lot worse...
Y/N:Um... I don't even want to know what gpea on in your head