Chapter Two

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De'Juan Ray ❤️
After texting L.A. , I jumped in the shower to get ready to chill with her. I can't deny that I actually like this girl, but a girl like her was giving a dude like me no play. "Beep" , my phone goes off indicating someone has texted me. It can't be L.A. , I just finished texting her.

Homie Chad
Wassup folk? What you hitting on tonight? Want to hit he town with me and the crew? We getting some baddies tonight bro.

😂,  oh yea? Y'all do that. I'm going to have to pass on this. Better hope Brit don't find out and kick your ass 😂

Homie Chad
BRIT ain't going to do shit😂.  Alright then, stay your lame ass home 😒. We'll get up with you.

😂, bet stay up fam

    Homie Chad
    Already my guy

After texting Chad, I put on a white muscle shirt with grey joggers and my nike slides. I wasn't about to dress up because I just wanted to chill with her and take her down by the river, where the moon light shine on the water and just talk. I just wanted to enjoy her presence, and admire how beautiful she was. After getting dressed, I grabbed my wallet, phone and my keys; I was ready to head out. I locked up my apartment and headed to my all black 2017 Camaro. I got in, hooked up my aux and started listening to Kevin Gates. Who can't vibe with Gates? He's one of my favorite rappers. I stopped by a store, too pick up some roses, a pack of Reese's, a big bag of hot cheeto's and a Sweet Tea for her. I knew her favorites because she always ate those in class. After I left the store it took no longer than 30 minutes, I was pulling up to L.A. crib. I got out with everything I got her and texted her asking what apartment complex she was in and what's her apartment number.
What apartment complex you are in and what number ?
                                  L.A. 😏🖤
8 Apartment 1108

After texting her, I headed right up to apartment complex 8 and knocked on door 1108. I held everything in my hand with a big grin on my face. She opened the door, and looked beautiful as ever. "Hey beautiful", I said. She smiled and responded, "Hey Juan, are those for me?" I chucked to myself and gave her duh look. She smacked my forehead and open the door wider so I could enter her home. "Nice crib", I complimented as I sat down upon her sofa. "Thank you Juan", she responded. She went into the kitchen, I guess to put her roses in a vase. I was getting nervous and I don't know why. No girl has ever made me as nervous as Laila. I'm use to girls chasing and running after me, but with Laila I was the one doing the chasing. She's never drooled over me, never even went out her way to speak to me, never really looked my way honestly and that's when I knew then that I had to get her. Man, I just got to have .... Laila walked back in the living room knocking me out my trans of thought. "Okay, I'm ready", she said. I nodded and got up and we headed out. When we made it to my car, I opened the door for her because my mama always taught me to open and hold the door for a lady. She blushed, "Thank You" she said. "My pleasure", I responded. I walk on the drivers side and hopped in. After, we soon headed to our destination. "Where are we going Juan", L.A. questioned? "You'll see", I replied. She punched my arm and I just laughed. "Girl, those baby ass licks, I see I'm going to have to teach you how to fight", I joked. She chuckled, "Oh, Juan this is not what you want boy", she said with an eye roll. "It's everything I want", I said as I licked my lips. "You are so nasty", she responded. I chuckled. Soon after we were pulling up to Riverside. I parked my car and got out. I opened Laila door, and held her hand as she got out. "I love the way the moonlight is shining over the water Juan, it's so beautiful" she said. I nodded, that's the very reason I brought her here. I grabbed her hand, and walked along the trail, just admiring how beautiful she was. I was trying to figure out a way to tell her that I like her but deep down I knew she already knew that I was feeling her. "Why are you getting nervous Juan?" I thought to myself. I have never been nervous around no girl ever and L.A. had that affect on me. She looked at me and smiled, "What's up Juan, what's on your mind?" She asked. I looked up and smiled, " A lot L.A. , especially you. I'm not the type to explain myself to no female, but I really like you but you don't be wanting to give a nigga no play mane" I stated. She chuckled, "Oh, you , YOU, you like me? I can't tell, how many chicken heads you have running after you. I think I'm going to save myself the trouble" L.A. responded. I frowned. "It's not even like that ma, but I understand that Laila." I responded. She nodded, and we continued to walk along the river. "How about we go sit in your car" she said, "it's getting chilly," I nodded, and we headed back to my car. I opened the door for her and she got in. I then got in on the drivers side, shut and locked the doors. I began to talk, "Laila, what's the real reason on why you won't give me a chance? We been knowing each other for a while now, really over a year. We have always been cool but every time I try to get at you, you turn me down. I know you feeling me. I can tell because your face turn red every time I come around, you be blushing, and I sometimes catch you staring at me. So what's up Laila?"  She responded, "De'juan the last dude I let in he hurt me, hurt me really bad. It was a few years ago in high school, his name was Jacob. Jacob meant every thing to me. He was my first love. I thought he was the one. I was ready to give my virginity to him. So prom night 12th grade, I caught him in our rental fucking some girl. That was the night I planned on giving him apart of me but I am so glad I didn't. That hurt me. I had been dating Jacob since 9th grade and he did that to me. I loved him , and he hurt me. So since then, every dude that try to get a me, I shut them out." I shook my head, "Laila, I'm not Jacob. He a lame nigga for doing you like that. Babygirl, that was high school, we are way grown than that. You are 21 and I'm 22, baby girl let that hurt go. I will not do you like that. You just have to give me a chance", I responded. She nodded and replied, " we'll see De'jun, we'll see." I checked my time and it was going on 12, so I decided to take her home. As we drove back to her place, neither one of us said a word; just rode in silence. When we got back to her place, I opened her car door , and walked her up to her apartment to ensure that she was safe. "Thank you for the time and gifts, I really enjoyed you" she stated. "No problem", I said. As I was turning around to leave, she grabbed my arm and kissed me. I was taken back by her actions, but I kissed her back. The kissed deepened and that's when she pulled away blushing. "Goodnight Juan" she said with a smile. I smirked, "goodnight L.A.".
"Tonight ended on a good note," I said to myself as I headed to my car to head to the trap. "Tonight was a good night."

I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter. Do y'all think L.A. and Juan will actually get together? Keep reading to find out.

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