Chapter 9

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L. A
      Waking up from my nap, I noticed De'juan was still asleep. I got up and headed to shower when I noticed Juan phone beeping. I didn't want to be nosey but curiosity got the best of me. I glanced over and the text was from a "Tay" reading , "When are you going to come back to me. I miss you so much daddy 😫." I shook my head and walked to my bathroom to shower. Yes, my blood is boiling, but I'm going to act like I don't even know and slowly fall back from him. I just knew it was to good to be true. I got into the shower and after about thirty minutes I was out. After drying off, I put on a green tank top, with my blue jean jacket and my blue jean shorts. I put half of my hair into a pony tail curling the ends and leaving the other half down curling that as well. I went into the living room and sat down. My mind was still on the text I saw. "Should I confront him," I asked myself?
I woke up and notice Laila not laying beside me anymore. I got up and walked into the living and she was there sitting down watching The walking dead. She didn't look like she wanted to be bother at all. "Hey baby" I said. She gave me a head nod. Scrunching up my face, "what's wrong with you Laila" I asked? "I'm good De'juan, when are you leaving" she asked? I chuckled, "mane chill out with that shit" I retorted. "WHEN ARE YOU LEAVING, THE FUCK" she yelled. This was amusing, shorty really mad at me for no reason. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of her, posting her on my IG.
Captioning: "bae mad with her fine ass 😂😍

   Captioning: "bae mad with her fine ass 😂😍

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She rolled her eyes at me. "For real, what's wrong baby girl" I asked in all seriousness. "Are you playing me, like do you even want to be with me, or you just wasting my time. If so, please spare me De'juan. I don't have time for kitty ass games. I have to much to focus on, my job and my schooling" she said. "Why would you think that L? I'm not trying to play you let alone hurt you aight" I told her. "Well, that text in your phone said otherwise. I wasn't lurking, your phone went off and I glanced at it" she said crossing her arms. "Oh, the text" I said. "MHM" she retorted. "Well, that's the girl I use to mess around with, but I don't even fool with her like that anymore. I'm all about you and only you. I'm not trying to hurt you baby girl, just trust me" I said. She sighed, "you promise" she questioned? "I promise baby girl" I responded while pecking her lips. "Now let's go check on my brother" I said. She nodded, and I headed to take a quick shower. I hated lying to Laila, because I haven't fully cut Tay off yet. I know I need to before it gets messy and I do not want to lose baby girl.
    "Baby come ride this pipe" Chad spoke with his raspy voice. I chuckled, "Eww no, we are in the hospital" I said. He grabbed the call button and buzzed his nurse. "Aye, do not come into my room for about an hour, I just want to be alone with my girl for a while" he said. I couldn't hold my laughter, dude is something else. "Okay, Mr. Payne. We'll buzz if we on our way" the nurse spoke back. He nodded as if she could see him. "Chad, you have broken ribs baby, I'm not about to have sex with you until you heal" I said crossing my arms. "Girl fuck all that, come on. Please for daddy" he said. I laughed and got up to lock the hospital room door. I then climb on top of him and he instantly grabbed my ass. "Omg, I can't believe I'm about to fuck you in this hospital" I said. "Girl shut up" he said kissing me while inching up my dress. I helped him take it off and now I was in nothing but my thong. I continued kissing him, while pulling up his hospital gown. The good thing about hospital gowns, you are ass naked underneath them. I began stroking his semi-erected penis. He grunted, I just knew he was missing head, so I decided to pleasure him with my mouth a little bit. I turn around so my ass was in his face and his manhood was in mine. I smiled, because he was so pretty and despite him being in the hospital, he made sure the nurses help him clean. I started placing kisses on the tip, and kissing up and down his shaft. He grunted gripping my ass harder. I took him in my mouth, wrapping my tongue around him with bobbing my head slowly up and down his manhood. I felt him playing with my girl, and let out a small moan. "Chad, I'm trying to concentrate baby" I said chuckling. He shushed me, and continued rubbing my clit. I started back sucking him, picking up my speed. I bobbed my head fast as I began to play with his balls with my hands. "Damn brit" he grunted. I smiled, and took all of him in my mouth deep throating him with little gag. I wrapped my small hands around his long shaft, jerking him off while sucking him at the same time. "Damn Brittney, damn girl" he grunted as he smacked my ass. I loved when he called my name. I didn't stop until his penis stiffened and all his cum filled my mouth. I smiled, swallowing every bit of it too.

He continued rubbing my soaking wet girl. He pulled my panties to the side and felt his warm tongue. I gasped, "omg baby," I moaned. I started grinding my girl against his face, make sure he tastes every bit of me. "Brit, I love you" he said while eating me out. "Yes baby, I love you too" I moaned loudly.

Chad groaned loudly, "I TOLD YALL NOT TO COME UNTIL A FUCKING HOUR, LEAVE ME ALONE" he yelled obviously getting frustrated. I climbed off him, unlocked the door, running to the bathroom with my dress in my hand to freshen up.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Payne; but you have visitors" the nurse said. "It better be Jesus, himself" Chad responded. I chuckled, dude is something else with himself.

"Nigga I'm not Jesus but I got just as much power as he do" a voice said. I didn't care who it was, and continued to freshen up. After I finished, I walked back into the room and saw L.A and Dejuan.

"Hey bestfriend," I squealed. She got up and gave me a tight hug, "hey BB," and then she rubbed my stomach, "hey my god baby, I love you" she said. I smiled, I just knew she's going to spoil this kid just like it's hers.

As De'juan and Chad became engaged in a deep conversation, L.A and I decided to head to the cafeteria. "I'll be back," I said to Chad. "Where you going" he asked. "Cafeteria," I replied and with that he nodded. We got up to walk out and De'juan grabbed Laila arm. "What," she semi-yelled. I looked at them with a confused look. "Calm down, give me a kiss" he responded. "Tuh, I'll pass," she said and snatched her arm away from him. He face palmed himself and just sat back down. We finally walked out, and I could tell she was frustrated. "You okay girl" I asked? She looked at me and shook her head, "No, I feel like he's really playing with me. My feelings aren't toys like just spare them," she said. I nodded, "but why do you say that," I questioned? "He fucking around with another girl, I can feel it. I saw a text in his phone, and he said it was an old hoe, but you know how that go. My intuition is telling me not to be no fucking dummy, and I'm not. I'm putting my guard up, I just can't allow myself to get hurt" she stressed. I nodded, "I understand where you coming from. Don't be like me and be a crash dummy" I said with a chuckle. "Girl shut up, you're dumb but you love him, y'all been together for a long time, so that kind of justify why it's so hard to let go; and you guys about to have a baby" she said. "You right, but don't allow yourself to go so low to constantly allow a man to hurt you" I said. She nodded and we finally made it to the cafeteria. It's funny how I can give good advice but somehow I can never take my own advice.

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