Chapter 5

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Everybody sat at the table dumbfounded because De'juan went off on Pops and left. I understand clearly why he was upset though, Pops wrong for what he did to Mrs. Jayda. All this had me thinking about what I was doing to Brittney, very similar. I have to change, I don't want to hurt Brittney as bad as Pops hurt Mrs. Jayda. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't know De'juan would react like that," Pops said to Mrs. Jayda. "No need to apologize to me, you need to talk to him, he's very much angry at you De'juan," she replied. I nodded at her statement, because he was very angry at our father. I'm not mad, I always looked at him like he was my father, so it's even better now that it's confirmed that he actually is my father. I pulled out my phone and text my mother.
Why didn't you tell me that De'juan Jones was my father? That's not cool keeping secrets ma.

I was going to tell you, but I was afraid. I'm sorry son, I felt bad because I thought I ruined Jayda and De'juan relationship, so I thought it was better if you didn't know.

Okay, whatever. I had a right to know who my dad was ma.

I know Chad. I'm sorry baby. Come over son and I will tell you everything.

I'll be through tomorrow some time, I love you.
Okay son, I love you too.

I just shook my head, it's crazy how she could keep that from me. When Brittney finished eating, I gave Mrs. Jayda and Pops a hug and we left. I opened the door for Brittney to get in, and she slammed it in my face before I got the chance to close it. I just shook my head and got into the drivers seat and headed to take her ass home. She was really killing my damn nerves. I just drove in silence until she grabbed the aux cord and started playing, "Can't raise a man." "Mane, if your ass don't turn that shit off Brit. You constantly with the shit, I said I was sorry but I'm not about to keep kissing your ass," I said angrily. "Oh, you mad? Fuck you and hurry up and get me home," she said. I just shook my head and sped up. After about thirty minutes, we pulled up to her apartment. She got out and slammed my car door, and I got out right behind her ass. I grabbed her arm, "Brittney look stop slamming my damn door," I said. She yanked her arm away from me, " and where the fuck you think you going? You are not welcomed into my shit," she said. I chuckled, I wasn't about to leave until we talked. She opened her door and tried to quickly shut it, but I pushed it open and walked in. She looked at me stupid and I gave her a smirk. "I just want to talk, and then I will leave if you want me too," I said. She sat down on the sofa, "OKAY TALK," she yelled at me with her arms crossed. "Look Brittney, I love you. I love you more than life itself. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I keep hurting you. You're my world baby, my everything, the mother of our child, and my future wife. I want another chance, please Brit to show you how much you really mean to me. I will not hurt you anymore, I promise babe," I said to her. She put her face into her hands and just cried. I sat down by her and held her as she cried. "Look baby, I mean that shit. I love you baby for real, I'm sorry" I said as I wiped the tears off her face. She nodded and got up and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower running, so I guess she was taking a shower. I just got comfortable on the couch. After a while, I fell asleep, but I didn't sleep well so I woke up. I had a blanket on me, so I knew Brit had to put it on me and my shoes we neatly by the door. I can't help but love this girl, but laugh at her if she thought I was going to sleep in her living room all night. I checked the time and it was 12:09. Damn, I was sleep for almost three hours. I got up and headed to Brit room. She was sleeping peacefully. She had on one of my shirts I left at her house. She looked so beautiful. I smiled, and headed to the hallway bathroom to take a shower. After about 30 mins, I got out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I went to Brittney room to find a spare of my briefs. When I walked in she was sitting up in the bed, looked to be into deep thought. I didn't want to bother her, so I just went to the drawer to find my under clothes. I could feel her staring a whole into my back, so I turnt around. She looked like she wanted to kill me. "Why are you still here, your presence is not wanted," she said. I smirked, "if you didn't want me here Brittney you wouldn't have put a blanket on me and took my shoes off while I was sleeping," I retorted. "I was just being nice, now you can leave and go be with Shaye," she said. I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Brittney I am sorry, I don't want that girl. Please stop making it seems as if I do," I said. " CHAD ARMON PAYNE, YOU MUST DO! YOU WAS OVER THAT BITCH'S HOUSE FUCKING HERE HELL," she yelled! "BRITTNEY I DIDN'T FUCK THAT DAMN GIRL," I yelled back! "STOP LYING, You are just a liar," she said. "BRITTNEY, ON OUR UNBORN, I DIDNT HAVE SEX WITH THAT GIRL. I'M GUILTY OF LETTING HER GIVE ME HEAD, BUT THAT WAS IT I PROMISE YOU! AFTER THAT I LEFT," I tried to explain. "Okay, Chad. You win. I don't want to be together anymore so please leave, but why you keep saying our unborn. I never told you I was pregnant Chad," she said looking around the room. "You didn't have to tell me, I SAW THE DAMN TEST IN THE GARBAGE," I semi yelled very frustrated. She just looked, and played with her fingers. "Well, don't worry about that because I scheduled an appointment for an abortion. I'm already stressed out enough, I don't want to bring this baby into the world and we not even ready to be parents," she said crying. I looked at her like she was stupid, "ABORTION? YOU NOT KILLING MY DAMN CHILD! WE HAVE NINE MONTHS TO GET READY TO BECOME PARENTS, BECAUSE I'LL BE DAMNED IF ABORT MINE! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BRIT! WE HAVE PROBLEMS, BUT WE ARE GOING THROUGH WORK THROUGH THOSE! ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID MANE," I yelled! I was completely pissed off! "Why Chad? Soon after the baby is born, you are just going to leave me, or continue to cheat like you always do," she said. I put my hand on my forehead, and just shook my head. "Brittney, I'm so sorry I did that to you baby. I love you. I'm trying to do better baby , I promise," I pleaded. "Chad, why give you another chance, why continue to let myself get hurt, why," she asked? I walked over to her and just kissed her, kissed her deeply. At first she tried to fight me off her, but she gave in and kissed me back. I started kissing on her neck and a moan escaped her lips. I slipped that tshirt off her and she wore nothing underneath. I smiled, and began sucking on her left nipple, and did the same to her right. "Oh, Chad," she moan. I smirked, and continued to trail my kisses down. When I finally got to her girl, I admired how beautiful it was. I spread her legs , and held them down so she couldn't move. I placed soft kisses on her second pair of lips. She squirmed, and she continued to moan my name. I started sucking on her clit, and licking her clit fast then slowly, fast then slowly. She put her hands on my head, and I just started licking her clit fast while fingering her at the same time. "OMG, Chad baby ... Chad, Chad, Chad," she screamed. "You forgive me baby," I asked? "Yes, baby I forgive you. Don't stop, don't stop Chad. Im about to come, omg" she yelled. I smirked and dropped my towel and went in. She gasped, as I started pounding inside her warm wetness. I grunted, as she tighten her walls around me. "Damn, baby girl... you wet as fuck," I said. "Yea, all for you baby" she said. She flipped me off her and got on top and start bouncing up and down hard as fuck. "Damn Brit," I moaned. She turnt around while I was still inside her and started riding me from the back. I gripped her ass, and helped her bounce harder and faster. "Chad, oh, oh, fuuuuuuck," she screamed. I raised up a little and started pounding her while she was still on top. "Yes daddy, just like that. Fuck, I'm about to cum," she yelled. I flipped her over and started pounding her from the back while pulling her hair. "Baby, I can't take it anymore, my legs getting weak" she exclaimed. "No, baby I'm not finished yet", I responded. I started going harder and faster feeling myself about to nut. "Damn, girl I love you," I said as I bust inside her. She smirked, "Now get the fuck out my room, you're dismissed. I'm still mad at you" she said. I laughed, "okay baby girl whatever you want. The couch comfortable anyway" I said. Tonight was crazy but good.
The next morning

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