Chapter Eight

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I sat at the hospital for a while but I was ready to go because my feet has started aching. I tapped De'juan, "I'm about to catch a cab home" I said. He got up, "No baby girl, I'll take you" he said. "No stay up here with your brother, I don't mind baby" I responded. He smiled and grabbed my hand, "we about to head out" he said to everybody. His mom got up and hugged us both and told us to be careful while everybody said okay. We nodded and left out the hospital.

"What a long night, I'm sorry that our date got ruin" De'juan said. "Oh, it's nothing. I still enjoyed my night especially since I was with you" I said as I touched his face. He smiled, and we got into his car. He didn't cut on any music, we just sat in silence, a very comfortable silence.

When we pulled up to my apartment, he opened my door and gave me a long hug. "Lord, he smells good" I thought as I hugged him back. He walked me up to my door, and I unlocked it inviting him in. I went in in my room into my bathroom, cutting my shower on. I looked in my drawer finding my night clothes. I was beyond tired. De'juan just sat on my bed watching me, "what you looking at" I asked? He chuckled, "you, let me join you in that shower" he said. I gasped, "no sir." He chuckled, "I'll keep my hand to myself." I thought about it, "okay you better too, come on." We both stripped down, and I avoided even looking at him and getting into the shower. I began washing myself up, and he did the same. It was so awkward, and he kept chuckling. "What's funny," I asked? "You" he retorted. He than grabbed my waist, and kissed my neck. I froze, I didn't know if I should run but his lips felt so good against my neck. I stood there for a minute and then I turned facing him, "what I say" I asked? My eyes dropped and omg, he was big; like VERY BIG! I turned back around, my cheeks flushed red, and I hurried up and rinsed off and got out. He laughed, but I wasn't finding a thing funny. I grabbed my towel, and began drying myself off inside of my room. After I was dry, I began to lotion my body. De'juan walked out with a towel around his waist. Water was dripping from his body, and I felt myself get wet. I stopped looking at him, and tried to concentrate on what I was doing. De'juan walked up on picked me up, sitting me on my dresser, before crashing his lips into mine.

I began kissing her, and surprisingly she kissed me back. Yes, I wanted to make love with her; but I knew she wasn't going to let me. So, I was just going to tease her with my tongue instead. I began placing kissed down her neck, collarbone, while she slightly moaned. I took her towel off her body. "Juan" she said. "Shush, let me take care of you" I said. She nodded, and I started back kissing her and began rubbing her clitoris at the same time. She was already moist, making my man stand at attention. I dropped my towel, and grabbed her hand putting it on my man. She slowly began rubbing it up and down. I took one of her nipples in my mouth, and she groaned. I smirked, "baby, just let me pleasure you" I said. I picked her up, laying her one her bed. Her body was so beautiful.

The next morning
I woke up smelling food. I smirked, boy this boy is going to have my so crazy about him. He can cook and his tongue game is explicit. I got out of bed, wrapping my silk robe around my naked body. "Goodmorning bighead" he said. I smiled, "goodmorning to you too love" I responded sitting at the kitchen table. I admired how good he was looking.

"How you like your eggs" he responded

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"How you like your eggs" he responded. "I like it all," I responded. He smirked, "I bet." I chuckled and began to texting Brittany.

How you doing bestfriend? How's Chad?
Hey Love. I'm doing good girl, hungry and Chad doing fine. We had a long talk last night, and I think this was a wake up call for him. I'm thinking about giving him another try but I'm skeptical. I don't want to be hurt again but my heart and soul is with him.
If you feel like that's what you want to do, go for it. Either way I'm going to support you. Yes, Chad's an ass but you love him and if he willing to fix his flaws and do whatever it takes for you and my gbaby, then give it a try. I just want you to be happy love.
You right L.A. I'm going to give him another chance and see how it goes, but enough about me. How was your night?
Girl, GREAT! De'juan showed me so much affection last night, like I never experienced anything like that before.
You gave him the nookie? You did BITCH?
Girl, no. He just gave me head , and bitch it was GREAT.
      Turn up bitch. *starts popping* 
Girl, I'm swing by later. You so stupid. I love you babes and rub your belly for me
Okay bf, love you more 😘

"You done," De'juan asked me while fixing plates. I chuckled, "yes love. You got my undivided attention." He had cooked eggs, bacon, sausages, fried potatoes, and grits. I licked my lips ready to devour this food. He handed me my plate along with a side of orange juice, "thank you baby" I said. "Anything for you" he responded. We sat and ate in silence. This food was so good. I didn't know he could cook and I'm so glad he can. He smirked at me while I ate. "Well I'm guessing you like it" he stated. "Yup" I said popping the P. After we ate, "so what's for dessert" I asked? "You" he said picking me up and taking me into the room; kissing me in the process. What a good morning!

I know it's a short chapter, but aren't you guys happy their together now?

They think everything back to normal, but wait there's more 😏

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