Chapter 11

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After I left Amber house, I decided to go to the library to catch up on school work. I've been lacking lately, because De'juan has had my head in the clouds. "Omg, I just strongly like this dude" I thought to myself. He just seems so different from any other guy, and I'm just so happy, I got blessed with him.

After stopping home to pick up my college books, I finally made it to the library about 20 minutes later. I walked in and sat down at a table with my laptop and began working. I had to keep my grades up because I'll be graduating in the June, and I can not wait. Life has been doing me good now, even though I've had a few bumps along the way. I'm 21 going on 22 with my own place and car, I'm a registered medical assistant working at a hospital, and I'll be graduating with my bachelors as a RN in June. Thank you Lord for the blessings, I said to myself as I thought about how good my life was right now.

About an hour into my studies and work, my phone began ringing. I sighed, because every time I get into my zone somebody wants to interrupt me!
"Ugh hello", I said without even looking at the name.
"Damn, somebody is in a bad mood, hello baby girl how are you doing" De'juan said.
I instantly started smiling, because I did miss my man so much.

"No, I'm not mad, you just interrupted my damn studies little boy" I said with a chuckle.
He laughed, "my bad baby, I'm just checking up on you; and calling to ask if I could take you out tonight" he questioned?

I started cheesing hard as ever, " ofcourse you can take me out love, what time should I be ready?"
"Be ready around 8:00pm"  he said.
"Okay love" I said then hung up.

It was around 3:oopm, so I had roughly around  five hours to get ready. So, I decided to call my pregnant bestie to see if she wanted to go to the mall with me to help me get an outfit for tonight.

"Hey love bug" she said when she answered.
"Hey boo, where are you" I asked?
"I'm at the hospital with Chad, what's up" she asked? "Oh, okay. I just want you to go shopping with me" I replied. "Girl, hell yes! Come get me now, he working my last nerves and plus I need some fresh air" she said while laughing. "Mane, get the fuck out then" I heard him say to her. I couldn't help but laugh, "okay boo, I'll be there in a few" and with that we hung up.

I gathered all my things and began heading to my car. It felt like someone was watching me, so I looked around and nobody was there.
I must be paranoid, "chill out Laila" I told myself; but I couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was bound to happen.

I began walking faster to my car, and when I finally made it, I pressed the unlock button and jump in locking my doors behind me. I sighed, "I really need to stop being paranoid."

My phone beeped and I had a texted from a number I didn't know.

"Oh, how beautiful you are mi love. Why are you looking so scared, I won't hurt you. I will be seeing you very soon. Oh, you need to travel more careful, careless traveling could get you snatched up 😉"

My heart started beating fast as hell as I read the message. "Who could this be" I thought. I just threw my phone in the cup holder and drove off.

The only thing was on my mind is how did they get my number, most of all how did they know where I was?


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