Step Five

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Here's Tory Rivera, the complete set of musketeers are up now.


My sister's birthday party went off without a hitch, unless you count the fate of my favourite dress. As you may have already heard from somebody else, I tripped into my pool. Embarrassing! But oh well! Even I was laughing about it at the end of the night.

That's a good piece of advice for embarrassment though. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. It's better to laugh at yourself because humor makes life interesting.

Maybe that's my excuse for my weirdness, but I believe that laughter is the best medicine.

Catch 'Me and You' this weekend and don't forget to send in your problems and questions right here so I can give advice. Have a nice day!

Ava O'Connor

I read over my new entry for my advice column a million times to make sure it was perfect. I loved being a part of the blog more than anyone knew, and maybe that's why Alice didn't complain anymore. Her brother was also happier because news of his blog spread like wildfire. It became more and more popular each week.

Danny told me I was a natural at blogging, but I didn't know it was true until people started sharing their happy endings. It took a while to type up a good answer, but it was worth it to give the best advice I possibly could. Lots of people depended on my choices.

It was Wednesday, the day before my weekly meeting with Danny, and I wasn't even nervous. He was the best boss a girl could have and all I had to do at meetings was explain my posts, listen to his and just talk to him. He bought all kinds of treats for us to snack on and he invited Alice in occasionally. I didn't get paid, but the laid-back setting more than made up for it.

School was getting busier too, with less than four months until graduation. Our teachers had already started to bring up course selection. I hoped that grade school would last forever, but I also wished I was in high school already. So, I kept myself busy so I wouldn't overthink it.


"One sec!" I saved my post so I could put it up later and ran to my door. "Yes..." My two younger sisters pulled me into the living room.

Once I was sitting down with my whole family around me, I started to worry.

"Let me guess, this is another meeting to discuss my problems? What'll it be? Public embarrassment, dance classes or bigger dresses?"

"Actually it's better than that." My mom said. I couldn't even stand how dense she was being, not to mention selfish. Even my younger sisters knew something was wrong. "Alright girls, you're dismissed." They left the room although I could see they didn't want to.

"What's better than public embarrassment?" I asked sarcastically. My mom and dad both looked sick of my attitude. I had already expressed my feelings towards the stupid plan, and I wasn't changing my opinion any time soon.

"We were thinking something more social."

"Wasn't there enough 'social' in social media?"

"Not that kind of social silly." My eyes bulged. I knew what she was talking about, and I didn't like it. "We thought that since the internet isn't your strong suit, that you'd have a better time actually meeting people."

"I'd rather spend all day on my laptop. I don't like people."

"Well, we've already made up our minds. Now go get ready. I'm taking you and Victoria to a club."

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