The It Crowd

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April fool's day. At the sound of those three words, lots of things come to mind. Mischief, pranks and a whole lot of fun. It was just my luck that it fell on a Saturday that year.

"This day is going to make or break our reputation. After today people are going to be cheering our names every time we walk down the halls, or we'll be as good as trash. Let's get ready to prank people so hard that their ancestors feel their fear!" I spoke into the camera as Vic controlled it.

At that moment, we were sitting in my room planning our prankalicious day. We were aiming to win that contest. Wait, what contest? Well, only the most widely known April fool's day contest on the internet...Rank your Prank. People post their prank videos all day and the judges announce the winner on their website the next day.

"Now, who's ready for some sick pranks!?" I pumped my fist in the air and did a dance. Vic stopped the video.

"Okay. Boasting is okay when you know you've got the competition in the bag, but we haven't even got an idea of what we're going to do."

"Right then, but I have confidence. If you're so worried, why don't you come up with an idea?"

"We're supposed to do this together, so you have to think too."

It turned out that bragging about winning was a lot easier than coming up with a killer idea for a prank. We went through so many pages of google that even the most desperate person looked secure compared to us.

"How about that water-cup thing where we put them around the school?" Vic looked up from her laptop.

"We're not at school and its too much work. Plus, it's a waste of the only thing keeping us alive."

"That's oxygen."

"You want to get smart with me? Why don't you try to go without water? Oxygen would only be prolonging your suffering."

"Fine." She mumbled some other, offensive stuff about me but my brain was too fried to even try to understand.

"So far we have a lot of ideas, but they're all off the internet. That means that someone has tried them already, and a million other people are going to copy them. We need something original. Something creative and so out of this world that nobody will have the same idea."

"Hmm..." Vic sighed.

"That's it!" I jumped up.

"What? What'd I do?"

"Nothing, obviously. I have an idea for our prank and it involves recruiting lots of people. It must be executed in the dead of night. Yes, it's coming together." I counted off things on my fingers and jumped in excitement.

"Now you're not making sense."

"We have to go and talk to people. Now let's go! We don't have time to waste." Again she mumbled something but I was too busy planning the prank to care.


It was dark, around nine thirty, and Vic and I were hiding outside in the cold.

"Brr." Vic shivered. "Are you sure he's on our side?"

"Is that even a question? Of course he's on our side. He knows that he doesn't want to be the one I'm pranking. He knows me. Now shh!"

Two dark figures emerged out of the brightly lit door of the house only minutes later. They said a few words to the person inside and then they walked down the front path. The tallest figure started jogging as soon as his feet hit the pavement and he went right by our hiding place.

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