First Day Jitters

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OMG Orlando as Nate!!! He is definitely high up on my hot celebrity list.


The summer passed by faster than I could imagine and soon my family was shopping for school supplies. What was worse than going to school? Shopping for school.

I hated, and still hate, shopping; grocery shopping, clothes shopping, Christmas shopping, the list goes on. But, to make it even worse, throw in my younger siblings, crowded stores and hours of walking around, and you have the perfect torture method.

Subject #1: Victoria 'Vic' O'Connor, also known as the clown. She used to be into comedy but she changed her mind. She was a double threat of graceful dancer and class clown; the only problem was getting her to show it at school. Vic was my best friend out of my sisters. She had golden blonde hair that ran the length of her back and ended at her tail bone. She hid her simple beauty behind baggy t-shirts and leggings (and lots and lots of ketchup).

Subject #2: Lexus 'Lexi' O'Connor. Only one word could describe her; sassy. She was the future Queen Bee to be although she was locked up in her room working on a new crafting project. But don't let that fool you, she was the perfect popular girl, vanity included. She had it in her mind that she was the most beautiful girl that ever graced the planet. It wasn't like she was ugly with her tan legs and the normal strawberry blonde hair that ran on my dad's side of the family. To be honest, the thing that made her unappealing was how she was always stone-faced, for a reason unknown even to her closest friends.

Subject #3: Elizabeth 'Liz' O'Connor. She was what you would expect from the baby of the family. She was clingy, weird, and in grade two. Liz followed Lexi by becoming well known in her grade and even some of the older grades and she could talk to almost anyone. My mom had to watch her in public because she trusted strangers a little too much. Her bleach blonde hair went only a little past her shoulders and she was tan from playing outdoors every moment possible.

So, you can see how messed up my siblings were. We were all different yet so alike that it was obvious we were sisters. They made shopping difficult because, although we were alike in appearance, we were nothing alike in style.

Vic wore my dad's old t-shirts and tights that were almost too tight on her. Her choice of accessory was her good old pair of sneakers (as I mentioned before). Her favourite colour was green, and she was in love with kittens.

Lexi insisted on skin tight clothes except for off-the-shoulder tops to show off her skinny frame. Her favourite colour was blue, with white or black polka dots and stripes.

Liz loved skirts with tights and any pink t-shirt she could find. Her favourite colour was purple, no surprise there. And she was in love with puppies.

And then there was me.

I was the odd one out of the family. I wore band tees and skinny jeans with rips and patches. My hair was a dark brown with red highlights, unlike all the blondes in my family. My favourite colours were black, grey and white. Plus, I had high expectations, even for school supplies.

But when we were done, the torture was behind us, at least until school came.


Monday morning, I woke up at 7:30 sharp.

"Wow." I yawned to myself. I stretched my arms and sat up sluggishly. I trudged to my on-suite bathroom and went through my morning routine; brushing my teeth, washing myface, and combing my hair. When I was done, I walked back into my room to my closet. "What look should I go for today?" I said aloud, humming a song that I'd heard on the radio a billion and one times. Eventually I chose my favourite belly shirt that said wanted on the front and my jeans with a hole in the knee.

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