Step Three

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Evil mother alert. (P.S. I'm so sorry to Andie here but she looks exactly like what i wanted their mother to be! It's not like she acts evil at all with every character she portrays.)


"Sorry about yesterday." I whispered to Nate while we waited outside my house for his mom.

"Don't be. I had fun, even if we trashed a hotel room and were forced to clean it up." He laughed.

"It's the popcorn. They must put something in it that messes with your brain and renders you unable to differentiate between right and wrong." I said it with a serious face.

"Yeah. I think you might have cracked their secret." His mom's jeep pulled up to the curb and Nick ran out of the house followed by my barefoot sister.

"See you later Nick!"

"Bye Victory!" She blushed slightly and ran in the house to avoid frostbite. I shook my head.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at school on Monday?"

"You sure will." He picked up his bags.

"Bye Nathan." I whispered in his ear as I walked past him. He was left with a goofy smile on his face and that was the last thing I saw before I shut the door.

"That was the best vacation ever!" Liz yelled in my ear.

"Sure was." I gave her a smile and patted her head. She had no idea that it could get better. I moved past her and picked up my bags that I didn't have time to unpack. I almost couldn't get to my room fast enough because I didn't want to forget a minute of the trip. I locked my door behind me and started writing about everything.


Well a Monday is a Monday. You've seen one, you've seen them all. Monday is the most depressing day ever created. It's worse when you have to wake up with a heart attack to a blaring alarm that rings through your head like knives. I slammed my hand onto my desk in search of the infernal device sending scratching sounds, worse than nails on a chalkboard, into the air. My phone thudded to the floor as i pushed it off the desk, still making its earsplitting noise.

I felt as if I hadn't slept for years when in reality I had just woken up from a good ten hours of sleep. But as soon as I opened my eyes wide enough, they were met with the cloudy, dull grey vision of the sky. I groaned. My mouth filled with the metallic taste of dread, and I had a dry throat in need of refreshment.

My feet felt like weights, dragging me down with every step I took as I trudged to the kitchen to make breakfast. While doing so, I burned my hand. Of course, it was Monday. It felt like a thousand needles piercing my skin in the same place. Although, all the pain was worth it to smell the sugary, salty aroma of warm oatmeal and feel it coating my sore, scratchy throat.My sisters were arguing and I had a feeling world war three wasn't too far-fetched. I ignored them as I went into the dark, dank and gloomy laundry room to pick my outfit for the day. All my clothes looked boring and plain but I chose an outfit anyway and went back to my room. I couldn't have cared less about how I looked.

On my way to school, the heavy weight of my feet increased as I was forced to carry my backpack. It felt as if it was filled to the brim with bricks, but there was only about three binders. I need to get in shape, I thought. The day got worse as I arrived at school to find that I had a test, and my math homework wasn't done. My throat closed. My life was out to get me.

I put my pencil down as I finished my beautiful masterpiece in the nick of time. English was my favourite class by far, ever since I was little. I learned to write my name at three years old and I wrote it everywhere. And as soon as I discovered books, my life was bliss.

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