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Abhya"Now my everything belongs to  you" 

she looks at him in shock. 
"But.." She was going to ask him why he was doing this but he interrupt her "no ifs and buts...I don't like anyone questioning me"
She frowns at his ways, already she was confused with his actions.
"Now leave, and let me rest" he says sitting on bed. She gives him an angry look.
"This is even my room." She said and sits on bed. He smiles and says,"from now on my everything is all yours"

she was confused by his behaviour, she turns to his and says," yes everything except what i really want. I don't have any right to question you" 

He frowns and gets angry at the way she speaks to him. she was equally angry.

"I don't give this right to anyone, not even Bhoomi" he said coldly as always.

she stands up facing him" i am not anyone, and bhoomi isn't your wife but i am" she said gathering all the courage and was leaving "STOP!" she hears him and fear fills her heart, she stands there still. He moves his palm in his silky hairs rubbing his visible vein of forehead. He sighs and tries to calm his anger.

"come here" she hears again and she was well aware of the consequences she needs to face if she didn't obey him.

she turns and makes his way to him, trying best not to show her fear on her face. She stood right in front of him. He hold her hands and pulls her in his laps. He holds her by her waist. She gets shocked but due to fear she didn't say anything.

"ask what you want?" he ordered.

she was uncomfortable but not so courageous to deny him. " i want to know, why did you do this?" she asked pointing at papers.

He caresses her cheeks and pulls her more on him," I know my wife doesn't care about me but I do" 

she didn't understand his words this time, hr understood her expressions.

"Arvi I have many rivals and I don't know how much my life is, I have many health problems, what if I die?"

hearing this arvi felt someone snatched her soul from her body, she remembers only few hours hearing his accident, she wanted to stop him from saying further but she feared if she do so he will get aware about the growing feelings about him in her heart.

"I don't want to to suffer after my death, so i named my every thing to you. Don't worry devil's have a long life, they don't die so soon and I am not going to leave you ever, not even death can separate you from me, I'll follow you everywhere."he said with his signature smirk. She felt an unknowing happiness gripping her heart listing his words. She never knew that he will ever care form her.

" well my dear wife now my turn to ask you question?" he said bringing her face very close to his and gripping her more firmly. she blushed scarlet at his actions. She was not so strong to take his heated gaze over herself, she helps her eyes by half closing her eyelids, to avoid his gaze. Silence cloaks the room for a moment, (would be house), Arya mansion was very happy witnessing this. now this air, this mansion eagerly waited for night to tell moon and starts the story that recently took place inside this mysterious room.

" Do you really consider yourself as my wife?" he asks breaking the ice. She looks at him in his eyes, she is not so brilliant to understand his dead heart and read his eyes. She was confused what to answer, if she says him the truth, he will asks her husband rights over her which she definitely don't want to give him and if she lie then she was totally unaware about the reaction of her unexpected husband.

"NO.." she decided to lie, she has just started excepting this relationship, she wan't from very bold background not had anyone who could explain her husband wife relationship, she felt his grip loosen over her. she looked in his eyes and now she could read the hurt in his eyes, hurt and pain even which he was unaware about. 

she instantly gets off his laps, he was not man to show his pain freely to anyone so he rather chose to behave normal and says, "Leave that, i don't even care whether you care or not.." she knew he lied but he was neither a person to lie. He was really a difficult puzzle to solve.

"One more thing from tomorrow you better get up on time, and i won't allow you to take holiday from your classes ever, ok" he said firmly and she nods. "I am getting late for office, I'll leave, you continue with your studies" he left. 

She felt bad but even she was right at her place, she whenever scene him near her, she can only feel fear not love.

she went to study and started preparing for her exams. It was afternoon and a thought popped her mind. she instantly went to kitchen.

She thought about all his favourite dishes that usually sarawati told her in all this years, she prepares them and calls him, and he receive her call just within few rings. 

"yes arvi" he says and she could feel him engrossed in some important work from tone, first she feared but then jerking all the fears away she said, " I want to come office now." 

"fine, I'll send the car within fifteen minutes" he said and she nods. 

and after half an hour she was standing at door of his cabin. she remembers her working days here and bad memory of seeing her husband with some other girl flashes her mind. she knocks the door and enters after hearing and order to come in from her. 

"you no need to knock." he says while closing the file he was reading.

He looks at her and remembers the day when she entered without knocking and the way she saw him and gets what's going on in her mind. He gets up and asks to change the topic" Why did you come?" 

"I bought tiffin for you" she says forwarding the tiffin bag  to him, he gestures her to keep it on table ahead couch through eye and she follows him.

He goes and sits on couch. She opened the box and serves him. 

"did you have lunch?" he asked her and she nods in no. He makes her sit beside him.

"Have with me." he ordered and she knew that their's no use to deny and quietly has her lunch.

sometime silences speaks volumes but not everyone understands it but today there relation to some extend has reached the leave where he could understand the questions in her mind. He wanted to answer all her questions, for first time in his life he felt to answer someone.

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