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"What happened? Arvi what are you thinking?" asked Bhoomi.

"Bhoomi, this is why almost after two or may be more years after are marriage mom believed that Abhya will returns, before that Mom lost all hopes to see Abhya. I never knew who is Abhya but I definitely knew that he is someone very important to more just like me. Mom before that never talked to me anything about Abhya but after that day she started telling me about him, like who is he to her? His likes and dislikes, his nature and after I became sixteen she told me that he is my husband and knowing him I was completely fallen for him."

"Yes Arvi, you are thinking right, I and Abhya both went to Saraswati mom.
Mom was so overwhelmed to see him. He introdued me to mom and mom behaved with me so nicely. She didn't let me feel that I am just an outsider form that day I call her mom. She gave what I expected from my real mom. Mom didn't want Abhya to leave but she knows that her husband is very powerful. She told Abhya that even she will accompany us.

Abhya and Bhoomi were having dinner siting with saraswati. She was feeding both. She was even crying as while she was feeding us abhya tells her everything what happened with him.

"It was that day Arvi when I got to know his past" Bhoomi says to Arvi and she thought where was she when this both came to house and remembers she might be in school.

"Abhya please let me accompany you my son. You don't know how i lived without you these all days." pleades saraswati.

" no mom, I cannot stay either here nor take you with me. It may risk our lives more now even I promised this girl that I'll help her run from here." Abhya explained.

The age at which children decide there career Abhya was talking so matured.

"But where will you go?" Saraswati tries to say in explaining way that he is too small.

"Mom your abhya has grown up now. I don't know where I will go but I know life is like a flowing water, we need to work continuously just like flowing water to keep us alive if we stay at one place our life would become like a stagnant water." He says and gets up.

"Bye mom I promise I'll return I promise." He says and before she could stop him or say anything in return he runs with Bhoomi.

"Before we ran from there mom gave me some money and food which Abhya wasn't aware." Bhoomi says.
"We ran to bus station and sat inside. My in laws were searching me everywhere with great difficulty we sat in bus and safely got out of that town. I paid the fare of bus with money given by mom. We got down as we reached enough far that my in law's or his dad will not be able to find us.

We parted our ways as soon as we reached but as I took few steps after getting down of bus everything infront of my eyes got blur and I collpased and when I got up I was in hospital doctor was checking me and Abhya was standing beside me. He paid the bill from left over money and took me with him. He didn't leave me as he got to know I am pregnant. We started to stay together. There were many days we starved and many nights we slept empty stomach. We didn't even many nights got shelter to sleep. We spent our nights on footpath. As I was pregnant he always made some arrangement that I don't sleep empty stomach. He started cleaned cars but we only got money to eat once a day many times it was only me who use to eat as only that much money was possible to arrange and as I was pregnant more over a just at small age it was hard for me to starv it may risk my life more. 
Slowly with time our bond grew strong as the time when we needed someone beside us the most we found each other. The relation started with selfishness and need was soon converted into a pure bond of friendship.

Once when he cleaned a car, it's owner didn't pay him and he need to bring some medicines for me and he begged owner to pay. He told him my state but the owner of the car insulted me and him saying that the child in my stomach is result of our illegal relationship and that day we started to know the menatlity of our soicety. This soicety killed human inside him in every path of his life. He was taunted and so was our relationship. Why do always people think that a girl and boy can never be friends? He
promised me to give his name to my child after birth and also promised me to some who start a small business before child is born so that we can give him or her a life wortg living. I took my gold hearing which belonged to my mother and gave him so that he can start a small business. He denied to take it as he thought that they may be close to my heart and then I shared my past life with him telling him what happened with him. Form that day he started hating this concept of child marriage He took thoes earrings and sold them. That was time when he gave me name Bhoomi, my real name is pranjali. But he called me Bhoomi, that time we realized he never knew even my name and still we were tied with an unknown bond. He called be Bhoomi as it's meaning is earth and he said I have same tolorance as earth have, same patience. 
He started catering business. We both use to make lunch for hostel students and hence I told you that his cooking proved boon to him.
Every obstacle in our life made me more strong and him little more beast. We started saving more money and when I was in my nienth month that time we opened a small roadside restaurent. Soon I delivered a baby girl and boy they were twins but doctors couldn't save my one child that was vansh. He was born very weak"

Arvi" Vansh! The name of.."
Bhoomi inturuppts."orphanage is kept on his name. And my daughter Vanshika"

Arvi just wanted to cry out loud hearing the pain this girl sitting in front of her and her husband went through.
Bhoomi continues.
".. don't know,  Why, always us, after the night I delievered a baby he came to our roadside small restaurent on highway. He saw me with my child."

Arvi looks confused and asks who came that night.

"My husband.." Bhoomi answered.

Arvi was shocked.

"He saw me and intended to kill me he came to me. He snatched vanshika from my hands. I fought but he was comparetively strong and to save us Abhya killed him. He didn't do anything intentionally he hit him on head with rod to make him unconsious but in process he died. After tha night he totally changed he thought and saw himself as a murderer. I gave statement to police with proof of peoples standing beside him and police certifed him innocent but his suffering and that night made him a monster.

First few days he use to shiver remembering that night he saved me and though himself as a criminal but then for him and sarswati mom, the promise he made to mom that he will return one day he started getting out ot but it became the worst nightmare of his life. Whenever he use to close his eyes he just could remember his sufferings and torcher of kaveri or the murder of that man. He was never a beast but it was husband, I could not make him undestand this. For him his only aim left was to become top most business man and he achived his dreams withen three years he opened a big hotels in a town like Mumbai. I contributed as much as I can and hence I was fiftey percent owner of his hotel and catering business. I generally worked in catering sector than hotel one and he on hotels. He worked day and night. He started drinking to keep his pain away I helped him in everything but could not help him forget his past, his sufferings. He became addicted to girls, smoking and drinking. And in this ten years he achived eveything and became what he is today, he fulfilled his dreams, his catering and hotel business dreams, but in concering this world he lost himself.
Only you can bring him back Arvi, he needs you.."

Bhoomi said Arvi was crying and so was bhoomi.

"Arvi he won't say but he feels for you. He respects me as much as he respects mom, he respect my every word but love his love is only for you. He won't tell but he feels for you. I many times stopped him from drinking but he never heard, only once you said that night not to drink and at least he gor ready he won't drink that night"

Arvi remembers the night when she snatched the bottel from his hands, but thinks how bhoomi nows this and God knows how but like Abhya even Bhoomi understands her expressions.

"Abhya tells me most of the remember Arvi when he returned to you and mom fulfilling his promise he saw you in veil. He didn't reject you as his wife not beacause he didn't like you but beacause he don't want to harm you. He knew he is a beast and will end up hurting you . But he cannot stay away from you.  I know all these years he remembered  you though he never took your name or talked about you but still he remembers how you looked when you were small and you marriage day. Arvi only you are hope in his life...."

Hope, word rings again and again in Arvi's mind.

So finally past ends, do comment how was the part also only few more parts left.. I don't like dragging story rather will start a new one so please tell me your views.

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