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So mostly 90% tomorrow this story will complete. I have almost written the last part also made changes as per the suggestions.

And after I complete my this story I will start a new short story.

Just something popped my mind and I am not very sure about the concept.

Hear goes my idea,

A girl, well educated, successful, owes her own business, self dependent, believe to live her life on her own terms, sweet loving, caring,  have lots of dreams. Her dreams are big. Her dreams are different than common people.

Her dreams is to help people around her, to open a school for poor, to make a big hospital of needy. Thinks about other before herself even before her own family. Can do anything for others. Lover her family a lot, more than anything. Never wants to marry, thinks marriage a big waste of time. Loves her country a lot,is very patriotic. Short tempered 

For her whole world is her family.

A boy who  is caring amiable, innocent, sweet. Never gets angry over anything. Loves his family a lot. Only wants them to be happy. He especially loves her mom a lot,can do anything for her. He wants to marry a girl who will love her family like he does and will thinks his family as hers. He has no more dreams than his family stays happy always. His sight never saw a big dream bor has any ambition.

For him his family is his complete world.

What will happen when they meet? When they get married?
Will he ever be able to understand her dream?
Or she need to forget them?
Will she able to love him back the way he does?
Will he ever see any other dream than this?

Please tell me how is the concept

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