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Arvi flips her postions in sleep but not feeling Abhya beside her, she opens her eyes.
She gets off bed properly covering herself with the blanket and looks for him everywhere in side room. Her heart started beating fast not finding him there.

She turns and now she gave out a huge sigh seeing her husband infront of her eyes safe and sound.
He walks few steps towards her while she runs to him.

"Abhya..." she says engulfing him in tight hug.

He hugs her back.

She tightens her arms around him nuzzling herself more into him. He smiles slightly.

She parts a little from him and angrily looks at him making him frown," How can you do this? Where were you?" She shouts at him. And he looks at her with his evergreen stern look.

"Don't you think you are behaving very courageous" he pulls her close to him while stating.
But he forgot even she is not less.

"I am not behaving, I am courageous" she states with equal attitude. Abhya raises his eyesbrows over her statement. She sees his expression and with a smile," Mr Abhya don't forget, even I am Mrs Abhya." She said making him smile.

He pushes her locks behind her ears softly and caresses her cheeks saying," yes you are." He stares at her lips and then looks in her eyes.

"You are my wife, Mrs Abhya."
Both's eyes spoke volumes. No words were needed. Arvi loved him to the extend when she was able to hear his silence, he was not a man to open his heart to someone, he didn't even say his true feelings to bhoomi, no bhoomi was far not even his brain was aware of his heart. He didn't ever let his brain kmow the feelings of his heart, as he considered his heart dead, he considered himself as monster.

"You are bound with this beast Arvi,  for long life" he says caresseing her lips with his thumb.

"My husband is not a beast." He says and gives out a very very small laugh, just for a moment. He looked in her eyes and he saw the true feelings.
"Abhya you always said eyes mever lie, don't you find truth in my eyes." She said as well as asked.

"I have no need to look in my wife's eyes to know truth because I blindly trust her."
These words were most beautiful words her ears ever heard. Now she was no more egare to hear  those three words of love from his mouth. What a wife needs more except a blind trust from her husband. She knew only a person who loves some one unconditionally can blindly trust her. A relation beyond needs, beyond love and beyond jealousy in the purest form of love but know doubt where purest form of love resided these three emotions are first step. But pain and sacrifice are beyond purest  love.

"Arvi I don't know what I..." he wanted to say but he was not able to speak as he never behaved like this with anyone ever.

She didn't want to hear as she could understand, as she could feel, sometimes love doesn't need to be expressed, it's a emotion to be felt. Have anyone ever noticed an old couple they never talk much or express still in there every action emotions for each other can be felt. They never share there decisions still there every decisions are known to each other, not only known but even excepted by each other.
"Abhya." She rolled his name over her tongue in such a way that he got to know that words that he need to say were not needed.

"Arvi but I respect you as much as I respect ma.(mom)" He said.

What a girl needs more than a respect. This is what every girl craves for. This is more important than love in any relationship.

This is what authou thinks,  a relationship is based on two things, trust and respect.
Tears formed her eyes. He saw them and pulled her more close if possible. He placed his lips slowly over her eyelids and kisses her both eyes making her clutch her bedsheet tight in her fist which enclosed her.

"Now sleeps, it's really late." He ordered and she obeyed. She went to cupboard taking out a nighty for her and leaves to washroom to get changed.

He again moves to his favourite place of his room, he saw the silver sphere and he could feel that silver sphere smiling. He remembers few minutes ago.
When he coughing badly.

He intentionally smoked knowing it would harm him and even could prove fatal. He smiled seeing his wife and said,"Look I am paying for hurting you, I need to die, I need to go away from you to stop hurting you. Nither can I deny that I..nor can I say. Neither can I let you love me nor can I see you stopping loving me." He said while coughing badly, he made sure that he shut the glass door's of the balcony so as she was not able to hear him coughing.

He smiled, he knew he just had few more seconds. But now ad every human even he had feelings, feelings for her. He though, how can he leave his innocent wife alone to fight with this world. How can he become selfish, how can he run away like this, he always thought himself as a rulers and true rulers never run. He needs to live, he needs to live for his wife, just for her, to save her from every bad eyes of the soeicty. Every thing flashed in front of his eyes just within a second. Winds, moon, starts everything encouraged him. He opened the glass door while taking heavy and deeps breaths, even coughing and went to  drawers of his cupboard. He took out his inhaler and took all medication recomnded by the doctor in these type of situtions. He took deep breaths and relaxed sitting on the couch near his bed. After few moments he felt relaxed and he noticed his wife and smiled," Why Arvi, I always loved death, and today you stopped me from engulfing myself in the thing I loved my whole life." He felt thirsty and he leaves to fetch water.

He comes out of his thoughts and a fear of getting away from his wife again grips his heart.

He turns and there he finds her sleeping peacefully, he could feel the warmth over her face which could be clearly noticed under the waves of the smiling silver spheres.He smile and makes his way to her and slips inside the bed trying to sleep without any nightmare. He for first time dared to sleep without any external support without fearing form his horrible nightmares. Don't know what will this night bring more in there lives.

Hello dear reader's sorry for posting so late, I never thought this will be the second last part of my story and as per all of your's wish I kept him alive with no sad ending...please do comment and let me know how was tge episode.

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