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Stars and moon stare at Arvi who was standing on terrace of the mansion. Looking at them. She has wrapped a shawl around herself. As it's really cold outside. In afternoon, the feeling of understanding of her silence by him didn't remain aloof of her.

She was just eleven when she got married and almost fifteen years later she first saw her husband as the day they got married, she didn't know what exactly happened but her Father in law and husband left somewhere.

She was always fond of education but her parents never let her study but by God's grace she got a loving mother in law who, going against soeicty educated her and made her self independent, not wanting her daughter in law to suffer as she did. Arvi knew that even sarswati left all hopes that her son will return to them but suddenly what happened that after about two years of marriage she became confident that he will return one day and no doubt he returned. From that year she shared Abhya's every small detail of his likes and dislikes and his nature with Arvi. And soon when she started growing, she started falling for her husband even without seeing him. She started imagining him in dreams as her mother told her. But as soon as these years passed and day he returned her all dreams broke in pieces, her love for him got burried deep inside in her heart, but now slowly it had started growing again.

Her chain of thoughts broke when she feels arms wrapping around her waist. She blushed ad she knew it's her husband. She truned while her gaze fixed at ground.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with a hint of husk in his voice. He smiled seeing her blushing.
He could hear her breathing in this silent night.

"Stop blushing before i lose my control." He says nuzzling his nose in crooke of her neck. She gulped and now fear grips her heart.

He could feel her fear," don't worry I'll control as much as I can, i won't harm you tonight." He said assuring her and she relaxed hearing him.
She knew he was man of words, she could trust him blindly.

He parted little and looks at her with heated gaze. He holds her by her chin and makes her look in her eyes. She looks in his eyes and she not able to take his instense gaze over herself she turns blushing scarlet.

And not wanting to lose his control he adverts her gaze to moon from her.
For a moment there was a complete silence till she gasps as he kisses her cheeks that were all red.
Moons and starts blushed seeing them.
She couldn't help but blush hard.

She turns to him and looks in his eyes and now they reflected pain, hurt, this time he looked at her with painful emotional eyes rather than his heated gaze.

She wanted to take away all his pains and sufferings but she feared, fears of getting heart broken again, fear of losing him.

He wanted to share his pain, but he feared, isn't it interesting ruler of all words, the beast fears from someting, yes, he fears from snatching innocence of his wife, fears from losing her.

He was not less than a criminal in past, he was a murder even, yes he murdered someone to save Bhoomi and her child and also a womeizer. He fears he will lose her if he tells her his past.
And he definitely didn't want this.

He asks her to go and sleep as it was getting late. She wanted to tell him the same but she couldn't something stopped her.
She wanted to tell him to sleep in her arms and forget his pain rather than taking support of drink but fears, fears if devil inside him aroused no one can stop him from snatching her dignity, puoncing on her, eating her flesh mercilessly. She didn't want this. So she silently goes from there. She goes to her room and lays on bed while he starts smoking.
He gazes the starts and moon last time for tonight and leaves to his room, but not before throwing the cigar and crushing it benath his feets. After he married her,he stopped smoking in house or room.
He thinks about today morning, he dropped arvi home and in between whenever he said anything about bhoomi, she changed the topic, he could feel she is jealous of her and not like her. He wanted to clear the doubt going in her mind. He knew in office she was thinking whether he still has relation with other girls, whether still he goes to other womens to fulfill his needs. He never liked giving explaination or answers to anyone but today he wanted to tell that she is the only girl in his life. He will always be loyal to her. He knew he never gave her chance to know about him but now he wanted to ler her explore him.

And this is what she wanted. A chance to know about him. And it's her right, he cannot snatch it ftom her.

He comes to room and sees her sleeping peacefully. He goes to her and places a kiss over her forehead.
And as usual he drinks till he forgets his pain, his past, his suffering and slumber engulfs him.
Moon and star prayed for him, prayed that one day rather than drink he will sleep in arms of her wife.
Even author prays for both of them.

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