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Golden lazers of morning sun makes there way through the curtains of his room striking the mirror and hence reflected in every corner making room enlightened.

Abhya slowly opens his eyes, streching his arms he yawns. He turns and extends his hands to hug Arvi. He jlots up his bed not finding her beside him. He sees the time and it was half past seven in morning, and no doubt her defence classes completes before six. He checks washroom and was not able to find her. He searches her everywhere else.
And the every step he takes to search her, his heart beat increase. He reaches his room as fast and possible and dials Arvi's mobile number with shivering hands. But finds her mobile ringing in room itself.

Many questions starts to raise in his heart.

Did she leave me? She went leaving me alone. Was it beacause what I did last night? She left me alone.

No no she cannot leave. What will I do without her? No, does she hates me more now. She left me. All such thoughts started to grip his mind.

His mind went blank. He don't want to think anything. Mobile slips off his hands. His breath beacame uneven, stopping slowly. His heart beats were contracting. His sences were not working. His eyes reflected painful emotions while his face was blank.

He turns as he hears her footstep. Obviouly he could feel her. And now again seeing his life standing right in front of him.
She looked at him and could read the pain and hurt in his eyes and also feel it truning to soothing once seeing her and not wasteing even a second he ran and engulfed her in bone crushing hug.

His heart again began to beat normally and so did his breaths.

Arvi was shocked but his behavior, liked the fact that seeing her, he relaxed. She didn't reciprocate the hug nor did he expect her to do so after yesterday night. But what can he do he is like this only and he cannot change.

He don't want to leave her. He want her to stay in his arms and him in her's forever.

"I thought you left me. Never leave me" he said and she smiled inwards. She remembers his same words yesterday night.

He aparts breaking the hug but still holding her by her waist. Both looks straight in each other's eyes. He places his free palm over her cheeks pulling her more close if possible with the arm around her waist.

"Don't leave the bed till I wake up and do tell me before you leave for your defence tutions." He states stroking her cheeks with his thumb.

She nods with a faint smile.

"Where did you go so early morning?" He asked in stern voice and terror rushes through her veins but didn't show.

"For walk." She lied like a professional.

He smiles back and leaves her.

"If you aren't tried, bring coffee for me" he said and she nods.

He truns and mover towards his cupboard. He opens it and seachers for a suitable dress for his meeting. She was leaving, when she reaches the entrace of room she turns and glances Abhya with teary eyes remebering his sufferings. She could not resist and tears start gushing her eyes.
Suddenly he feels a slight push and arms around him. He was flabbergasted bu her sudden action.
But feels nice and smiles. It was first time that with all her heart she was hugging him. He likes the fact that she has started not only accepting their relationship but him also.He places his plam over her's which were around him and loosing her grip he truns to her.
He smiles and she looks at him in his eyes.
He raises his eyebrows.
"You are my husband." She answered to his unasked questions and he smirks pulling her close. He could see her eyes moisten.

"Yes I am your husband" he answered. He makes her arms around his waist and rests her head on his chest and hugs her.

Remebering last night he feels guilty. He know he has hurted her a lot.

She hugs him back more tightly. Knowing his past he had forgiven him. He had went through a lot and now she want to give him a happy life with no more pains.

She knows it's not possible till he forgets his past and she will make him do it, For sure.

"I forgot to say nandini has holidays and she is coming back here for three days." Abhya said.

"She called you rather than me" Arvi said parting from him and pouts. He looked at his cute wife and kissed her pout making her blush crimson.

"You blush a lot, whenever I near you"

She blushed even hard and got out of his grip.

"I'll bring your coffee" she said and ran out and Abhya leaves to washroom taking his clothes.

Arvi was standing in kitchen preparing his coffee.

I don't know, how will you react after you know that I know everything about your past. I hope you will understand my love for you, thinks Arvi.

Abhya was standing in front of mirror combing his hairs.
No, I don't want you to ever know my past, either you will hate me, leave me or show sympathy over me as you are soft and kind hearted and I don't want anything out of this, thought Abhya.

Arvi comes inside with coffee.
Abhya sees her through mirror. He goes to her and she fowards it to him. He takes it and puts it on nearby table and before she could leave he holds her and pulls her and holds her by her waist.
Just then he hears some clearing her throat. He don't leave Arvi who was shocked and looks at entrance to find Bhoomi.

"What are you doing here?" Abhya ask still holding Arvi in his arms who was trying to get out of his grip. With her every try his grip tightened more.

"Why can't I come here?" She says.

"Obviously, yes it your own house Bhoomi but if you know room even have door which are used to knock before you enter." He says in his signature manner.

"Whatever stop you lecture and have some shame at least leave her now when I am standing here." Bhoomi said and he glares at her and leaves Arvi.

"Bhoomi why are you standing there please come inside." Arvi said and hearing sweetness in her voice while talking to Bhoomi Abhya frowns.

So many changes in just one day. First she hugged him. She stated him as her husband and now the girl who was not even ready to look at Bhoomi is giving out honey while talking to her.

Bhoomi blinks her eyes in assurance and gets in. Arvi hugs Bhoomi and she hugs her back and this was four fifty volt shock for Abhya that Arvi intitiated the hug.

This makes Abhya suspicious. He jerks his thoughts seeing his wife happy. He believe it or not his happiness lies in her's.


What will happen when Abhya gets to know that Arvi know's his past? How will Arvi make him come out of his sufferings? will Arvi try to change him? If yes how? What will be her next step?
It took me a lot of hard work and time to write the part. Do tell me how it was through your comments.

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