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Abhya was sleeping when Arvi enter, she looked tired after her morning classes of self defense. She sits on bed, it was only five in morning, she thought to study but she was exhausted and needed rest. She lay on bed. Abhya flipped his position and now was facing her. She smiled seeing him. He looks so innocent while sleeping. She stares him continuously and extends her hands to touch his face but hesitates and takes back controlling her urge to caresses his cheeks.

She remembers the day when they got married,

After her marriage she remembers she was sitting in her room and her mother was packing her things. She was crying begging her mother not to send her with unknown peoples but nothing worked. And suddenly she heard someone knocking the door, her mother quickly covered her face with veil and opened the door. And there stood a lady with a boy, she wasn't able to look clearly through her netted veil. Lady and boy entered room as her mother welcomes them inside.

Lady kisses Arvi's forehead and she could feel so much love in it. Soon after some normal talking lady and her mother left the room while boy was still inside.

"Why are you crying so much?" boy asks her.

"I don't want to go anywhere leaving my house" the eleven year old girl says sobbing.

"Last time when we meet that time we became friends but I forgot to introduce myself, I am Abhya Prakash and I am fourteen years old, I study in eight standard, and preeti is name of my class teacher."

He said trying to stop her from crying but she now even cried more.

"Please don't cry" he said trying to look her bending inside the veil. But she still sobbed.

"Do you want chocolate, I have one" he says and she immediately stopped sobbing and he smiles and he struggles with his pocket to get it out and gives her tamarind chocolate and she takes it.

No kid will even hate chocolates I guess, and even she was a kid and so was he. He runs out of room and she again starts crying after she finishes her chocolate.

She was sitting in car with her mother in law and her husband was sitting beside her. Her father in law was driving the car and her husband was sleeping. She didn't even know who's that boy? Or what relation they both share? She was crying, an endless train of tears was flowing through her eyes, she didn't want to go away from her parents, she didn't want to leave her house, she begged everyone to stop the car and let her go to her parents but no one heard any of her pleas. Her mother in law was consoling her but she was not in any state to hear her.

"Arvi, please don't cry, even I am like your mother" saraswati said trying to console her.

But she was sobbing continuously.

It was an hour after she left her house and the car stopped, she looked out of window, it seems likes some hotel. Her father in law asks everyone to get down as it was late night and it will be safe staying in hotel rather than driving.

Saraswati agreed with her husband Prakash. Saraswati wakes abhya and asks him to come with her. All four move in hotel, which looked well reputed and takes two rooms.

Sarawati takes Arvi with her while Prakash takes Abhya with him.

And it was last time she feels him as next morning, she finds her mother in law crying, she sees her searching for both of them, but couldn't find them. She asked everyone if they saw her husband or her child, she asked reception and got to know that they left yesterday midnight itself, it was difficult for saraswati to believe but that was truth they both left, her husband left taking her son.

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