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Len's POV
My  alarm goes off,  but I choose to not get up.
I go back to sleep when suddenly I felt something hit me on my head. I pull over the covers to protect myself  but someone pulls them off and proceded to yell at me, and then smacked me again. I yell back out of spite though things did escalate to the point of me getting yanked off my bed.

"Time to get up! It's the first day of high school!" a female voice scolded at me, and proceeded to storm off as I lay on the floor.

I evantually stood up to get dressed. I put on classic attire of my white shirt, put on my yellow tie? (no seriously, what type of clothing is it? just wondering ^^) and gray shorts. I brush my blond hair, put it up in a ponytail, and comb my weird looking bangs. I go down stairs, seeing my twin sister Rin packing her backpack with supplies.

"Oh, so it was you who yank me off the bed?" I questioned angrily, standing behind her.

"Well, who do you think it was? It was obviously ME " Rin replied, still minding her business, "I had to wake your arse up!"

I glared at her and in return she shot me a death stare. I backed off slowly and proceeded to get ready.

"Why, why do I have to be one with the world's most crazed twin sister" I murmured to myself.

"Oh! Rin, you know that we are going to an all art based school, so you won't be needing those, you know? I said, standing up.

"You can never be too prepared, maybe I might need a calculator or read a book" Rin replied, as she proceeds to pack her whole desk. Okay not really, but you know what I mean!

"Pretty sure you'll only need a notebook and a pencil" " I said, patting her head.

"You know what momma used to say, life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get" she quoted, removing my hand off her head.

"Let's see how many readers get that refrence" Len said, giving a smirk.

"I'm leaving so hurry up, we really don't want to miss the bus! " I shouted as I sprint out the door.

I left the house in a hurry, and shortly after Rin catches up to me so we can make our way to the bus stop together.
Though Rin can drives me nuts at times and maybe a tad bit reckless along with being quite sassy, she's a real sweetheart. Hence why we are so close, because I know she has my back I have her as well. Rin may not be perfect but she's the ideal sister for me...

  My thoughts are interrupted as I realized  that we have reached our stop. We were the only ones there and stood in silence. A few heartbeats, we both stood in silence until Rin broke the awkward tension.

"Uh, Len, are you nervous?" Rin asked.

"Me? Nervous? Of course" I blunlty responded , "It's a new school, with new areas, with new people, I don't know how to make it through the day without dying".

"Well at least your not alone" she reassured me, giving me smile as she whips out a book from her backpack.

"Yeah, you're right, I have you" I said, looking at the sky.

"Oh, Rin, what should I do when people start talking to me?" I questioned.

"Len, you know this, just be yourself" Rin responded, still reading her book, "It's the same goddamn cliché everyone uses since the dawn of time."

"Though, I will admit, it's quite true" she sighed.

"Easy for you to say" I mumbled.

I'm not very social, and can have quite an attitude at times. I just want to be left alone, it takes time for me to really open up. You'll probably say that I'm an edgelord, which is true, but I can be dorky! When I do open up, I can really fun, trust me!
A few minutes have passed, and it seemed that we were the only ones there. Suddenly, a cute, small boy with blond hair sporting a sailor hat walked here, and stood a few feet way from me.

"Isn't he too young to be in high school?" I whispered to Rin, tapping her, and eyeing the direction the boy was in.

"Maybe he's lost?" she proposed, looking up from her book.

"I don't know, should I say something to him?" I asked, scratching my head.

Rin shrugged but before I was about to say anything, the bus rolled up, and we all got on. I find a seat in the back, and sit next to the window while Rin sits beside me. I took out my smartphone to listen my loud music, and stare out the window. I hope today isn't too rough, nor frantic. But it's me, I'll probably get lost within the first seconds, and end up in the wrong classes, making me late for every class. Most importantly, I don't want to gather any attention, from anyone.

Thank you for reading, you lovely individuals! It's a rough start but it's something!  Just building character, we'll get into the meat part of it soon.
c(•-•)c ~S.P.

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