Twins and Grins

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"Hi Len-Kun!" Miku, and the others greeted in unison, "We didn't know we had this class together!"

"Hello everyone" I said back, putting my phone down, as Rin kept reading.

"Oh Len-Kun! I didn't know you had a twin sister!" Luka pointed out, as the Meiko, Miku, and Gumi looked at Rin, with excited expressions. Rin looked up for her book, with her eyes squinting.

"Greetings, Len-kun's sister" Gumi uttered, walking to stand behind Rin to pat her head, "I'm Gumi."

"Hi there! I'm Miku!" Miku introduced herself as she did for the others, "The one who's resting on my shoulder is Luka, and that's Meiko."

"Charmed" Rin said, "I'm Kagamine Rin, but you can called Rin."

"Is Rin-Chan okay?" Miku asked, as she stroked Luka's hair.

"Ugh, okay sure" Rin agreed, frowning.

"So, the Kagamine twins are Len-Kun, and Rin-Chan!" Miku announced, yelling at the whole class which were a few people.

 Me and Rin lightly blushed, as I put my hands on my face. I can see Fukase and Oliver giving small smiles from afar, with a few stares including the blue headed boy.

"Yay!" Meiko said, playing with Rin's headband, "I finally know a set of twins!"

"How are you lovely ladies doing?" a husky voice questioned.

I thought it was the boy from before, but it ended being another tall guy with a long, purple ponytail hovering over us. Rin shots a new expression of annoyance, and then continues to read her book.

"Hi there Gakupo" Meiko said, letting go of Rin's headband.

"Oh! Len-Kun, Rin-Chan, this is Gakupo" Miku explained, as she braided Luka's long hair, "Gakupo, meet Rin-Chan, and Len-Kun."

"Hello there, Gakupo" I greeted, "Nice to meet you"

"Howdy" Rin murmured, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey shorty" Gakupo joked, as he smacked my back.

"Don't call me that" I shotted back, getting slightly annoyed from being called that, as the ladies laugh, and Rin smiling.

Gakupo laughs along, as he goes over to my sister, let see how this turns out.

"What about you, darling?" Gakupo said, closing up the book. Rin tilted her head up, looking annoyed.

"You're overwhelming cute" Gakupo flirted, "Don't you know that, sweetie?"

"Go away, I don't want to see you" Rin groaned, with her icy blue eyes glaring at him.

"Playing hard to get, ey?" he said disappointingly, "I'll crack you soon, just you wait."

"Be my guest!" Rin retorts, folding her arms. Me, Luka, and Miku laughed nervously, while Meiko smiled.

"God damn it Gakupo" Gumi cussed, pulling his long ponytail.

"Kaito, why the fuck aren't you joining in?" Gakupo demands, removing Gumi's hand of his hair.

"Who's that?" I asked, scratching my head.

"Oh, he's that tall guy with the blue scarf who keeps looking at you" Miku  pointed out.

"Kaito" looks over, and gets up, waking over here, right in front of me where I can see him.

What a joyous time to be alive...

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