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Len's POV
Throughout the whole ride to school,  I stared out the window, thinking about how my day will go. Will it be bad? Will it be good? Will it be boring? Who the fuck knows?! Snapping out of my trance, in the distance, I saw the high school. It was a two story school, with a white wall in one side, while gray on the others. The bus rolled up next to the main entrance. The doors opened, Rin stood up, and so did I. When we stepped off, Rin holds my hand, and walked in together.

"It doesn't look that bad?"I questioned, opening the door for her.

"Actually, this school looks very nice" Rin answered as she walked in. I'm go in right after, grabbing her hand, as my mouth dropped.

"Oh wait, never mind" she said disappointingly, as her grip got tighter.

The place looked so much bigger from the inside. There a lot classrooms along the sides, and a huge staircase in the middle. Also, there are hell ton of students, either walking to their classes, talking to others, or opening and closing lockers. I wanted to piss my pants. Rin looked the same way. We stood to the side to not cause any trouble for other students.
"Uh, well, do you want to look at our schedules?" Rin calmly asked, shaking as she pulls out her schedule from her pocket.

"A-lllright then" I said nervously, taking my schedule out of my shirt pocket.

We looked at our schedules, and I leaned over to Rin. I see that we have a few classes together. Okay, it's only like two, but whatever.

"So we have first period which is algebra, and eighth period Project Diva" she explained, "Great, only two."

"Well, it looks like it" I agreed, as I put my schedule back into ny pocket, as Rin does the same.

"We only have twenty minutes before first period starts" Rin commented, looking at the clock.

"Let's go put store our things in our lockers" I suggested, grabbing her hand again.

The both of us start walking to our lockers which was located on the second floor. We go up the stairs, where most of the student population seemed to be, great.  I noticed that everyone has different colored hair, and hair styles. I saw red, twin drills, short, green hair, a long gray low pony tail, long pink hair, a purple ponytail, and so many more. And it seemed like everyone was taller than me. Still thinking, I was soon brought back to reality, when I heard a loud squeal. Then, someone Naruto runs at sonic speed towards to us.

"OH MY GOSH, THERE'S A FUCKING TWINSET NOW!" a girl wearing a  floral shirt yells, "HELL YEAH!"

The people nearby looked at us. I glance at Rin, who's was sweating up a storm, and looking rather confused. The girl soon put her arms around both of us, crushing us into a big, group hug.

"You guys are an adorable, pair of twins!" she squealed, "I never actually seen a pair of twins here!"

Her grip got tighter, I looked at Rin, reading her mind, and giving me a nod. We both push the girl from us, making me bump into somehow. It was this tall, blue-headed boy wearing a light blue scarf looking down on me. I realized that he dropped his notebook.

"Uh, sorry" I apologized, picking his notebook up, giving it back to him, and looking up at his dark blue eyes.

"It's alright" he responded, grabbing the notebook pit of my hand, feeling his hand slightly touching mine, then patted my head, giving me a smile, and leaving the scene.

I shrugged that encounter, and the girl came up to me again.

"Why did you pushed me?" the girl asked.

"Maybe it's because we've been hugged by by a complete stranger" I explained, glaring at her.

"I was only trying to be friendly" she pleaded, eyes shining.

"Try introducing yourself first, but we have to get going" Rin spats, as she began to drag me away.

"Okay, jeez, you don't have to go get mad" the girl replied calmy.

"Watch out everyone, the Tsundere Twins are here" she uttered, turning around, and walked away from us.

Everyone stared at the girl walking away casually like nothing happened, with shocked faces, but soon returned to what they were doing. I wanted to die right now, as I could that Rin felt the same way. We brushed it off and made our way to the lockers. We leaned our backs against the lockers when there,  exhaling out of frustration.

Damn, it got too real, yet so relatable. Hoped you still enjoyed! Also, didn't realize how much of a tsundere Len can be (or Rin  to be quite honest) oh well, stupid me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ~S.P.

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