No Doubt About It

696 19 57

Len's POV
We caught up to Rin who was walking with the rest of the crew, still dragging Kaito along. I see Rin's infamous cold stare, with her eyes directing pointing at me, oh boy. So you probably would have guessed that by the time I made my way over to Rin, she round house kicked me to Narnia.(somehow)

"YOU IDIOT!" Rin yells, yanking my shirt to being me back to our world, "WHY YOU ALWAYS LEAVING ME ALONE? TODAY HAS BEEN THE ONLY TIME YOU DIDN'T GO IN THE BUS!"

"Yeah Len-Kun, you hadn't talk to us at this week" Meiko says, crossing her arms, as everyone nodded except me.

"I uh, needed some time, to think about things" I apologize, bowing while glancing at Kaito "Sorry for not being with you guys."

"Don't worry, Len-Kun! Everyone has their ups and downs!" Miku reassures me, with a smile that's brighter than my whole life.

"Fine, I'll take that, but next time, if you have a problem, TALK TO ME ABOUT IT" Rin sighs, punching my arm lightly.

"How about we go for some ice-cream?" Kaito asks, grabbing my hand in the process.

Then, I see a bunch of facial expressions that concern me. Rin was smiling, for once, Gakupo was congratulating Kaito, Miku was squealing along with Luka, while Meiko and Gumi were smirking very evilishly. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Kaito laugh it off like it was nothing while I was feeling flustered. In pairs of two, we all went get ice-cream, generally  having a great time.

By the time it was dark, everyone decided to go home, in pairs. (Luka & Miku, Meiko & Gumi, Gakupo & Rin)
Obviously, Kaito went home with me, which Rin didn't really care as she was going to stay at Gakupo's.  Rin claims that she's only going for studying purposes  but bet you a thousand rupees that something else is going to happen. So without Rin, it was me and Kaito, alone together.

"So, what do you want to do, Kaito-Kun?" I question, dragging him to my room, "Want to play a video game?"

"Sure but which one?" he answers, getting free from my grip.

"Super Smash Brothers Ultimate" I say, getting my Nintendo Switch set up for us to play.

"Len-Kun, what's this?" Kaito asks.

I turn around to see Kaito holding one of my manga, and realizing it was from my special collection.

"It's nothing! You didn't see anything!" I stutter, feeling my face heat upwhile grabbing the manga out of his hands, and shoving it quickly under my bed. As I shoved the manga under, I feel someone's breath on my neck, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh Len-Kun, you I could give you more satisfaction than those books" Kaito murmurs in my ear in a seductive voice.

"Wha, what?!" I squeaked, as my cheeks caught on fire.

"Here, let me show it you" Kaito purrs, as he picks me up and lays me down on the bed. (F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me! N is for-okay, I'll stop)

(If you couldn't tell by now, we'll get into spicy territory next, so if aren't into OR don't like these things, PLEASE DON'T READ! But if you end reading it and getting triggered, you a bigger idiot than me. ANYWAY, onto the spicy goodness!)

Kaito has me pinned to the bed, so fighting out ot his wasn't a option. Kaito suddely kisses me roughly on the lips. Not knowing about these things, I just let Kaito handle all this I don't have a fucking clue. I began to let out small squeaks, as Kaito forces his tongue I to my mouth, turning me on. He pulls out his tongue, and a makes his way down to my neck. Kaito then found my sweet spot, sucking over and over again, making me moan quietly. A hickey must have formed from now much Kaito was sucking it. Then, Kaito tears off my shirt and proceeds to kiss my chest, making me moan louder this time. He evantually makes his down to my shorts, yanking them off. By his time Kaito was also in his boxers, so it would make sense that I was really excited. Out of nowhere, Kaito switches spots with me, and takes off his boxers, exposing his member.

"Suck it, now" Kaito demands, crossing his arms.

Obidienlty, I put it into my mouth, and began sucking it, roughly. Maybe reading all those Yaoi manga did come in handy, especially on how to deep-throat someone.(I REGRET NOTHING) Kaito was moaning very loudly, and couldn't contain himself as he cummed into my mouth, making me swallowing the semen(Cum, semen, same thing) We switch places once again, as Kaito pulls off my underwear. He sticks one finger inside the hole, making me yelp from the pain, and proceeded to stick the rest of them in. Kaito moved then around, and stretched it, making an opening to stick his member in.

"Don't worry Len-Kun, I promised it'll only hurt for a second" Kaito reassures me, rubbing his face against mine.

Kaito then started to move slowly, but the pain was still there. He started to move faster, and the pain turned into pleasure, while moan louder than I ever had. I felt something a tension in my stomach, and released a white liquid. A few moments later, Kaito cummed again, screaming my name, and pulls out. Kaito then lays down bedside me, bring my head to his chest, and his head on my hair.

"Does this mean we're a thing now?" I ask, looking up at him.

"No doubt about it!" Kaito purrs again, rubbing his cheek on my hair.

"I love you, Kaito"

"I love you too, Len."

What can I say? I'm quite lucky you know? To have such a wonderful guy like Kaito to be my boyfriend, oh lucky me...

El Fin

WTF did I just write?
AND this concludes the story...
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking your time to read this shit, I MEAN IT! Never expected anyone else to read this to be honest. THANK YOU all who there at the very beginning, those who voted, those who added this their list, AND to those who read it! As always, hope you enjoyed your time reading all this!
Now that's this over, I not sure when I'll post another fanfic.  I'll try to be active here by commenting, reading or voting on stories! Later everybody! (^_^) ~SmallPoki

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