Liking It

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Kaito's POV
"Why were you staring at me?" Len began to questioned, me,  still holding onto my scarf, "Did I do something or what?"

"N-n-o, you didn't do anything" I hesitated, getting a little bit nervous, "It's just that-"

"Just what?" Len rpeated the question, raising his voice.

"You, you just remind me of someone!" I blurted out, as my cheeks flushed with a light pink.

"Alright then, if you say so" he sighed, letting go of my scarf.

After Len release me, I couldn't keep my balance, making me fall, while closing my eyes, landing on something soft.

The ending bell for seventh period rings,  as I could hear people talking from the halls. I soon hear murmurs, and grunting noises, but what stood out me was this high pitched squeal. I opened my eyes, lifted my head up, to only ended up seeing Len's chest, and me being of top of him. My face turned red, as I started to sweat. I can see the mob of my fans with triggered looks, but I didn't care. I was kind of enjoying this, weirdly enough.

"Ah, can you please get off me?" Len asked calmly from down under.

"O-h-h, right, sorry" I answered, getting off him, and standing up.

For me reason, I decided to help out by grabbing  waist, picking up Len, and putting on his feet. After realizing what I just did, I left the area.

"Bye!" I said, running off to another hallway, getting away from him.

After I got to somewhere new,  I get a few stares from people, but I brushed them off. I have finally had the chance to run into Len! He was awfully cute, yet a bit hostile.Man, I wished that I would have done a good, first impression, fuck. I try to make my way to eighth period, but I ended getting lost. The bell rings, which made me panicked. Somehow, I was in the English department, and I had to run to the other side of the school to get to eighth period. I ran as fast as I could, and soon found my class. I busted in like the Kool-aid man, but with not as cool. The teacher stops talking, and comes to me. She scolded me for being late, and interrupting class. I glanced around, only to spot Len, all the way in the back. I keep looking at his direction, getting redder with each look. After getting scolded, I made my way to the back, and made sure I started right in front of  Len, so he can see me all period. Throughout the whole class, I kept turning back to see  Len's cute face, but he seems mad. I keep getting butterflies in my stomach everytime I looked at him. Something about him, just makes me really nevous, and happy. This class session ended a few minutes before the final bell. I was about to go and introduce myself to Len, but the girls beat me to him. Fucking shit!

Two chapters today for all of you! Can't wait to write more!  Thank so much for reading this! Though it's longer than usual, hopefully you all had a great time!             ~S.P.

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