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Len's POV
"I should have been nicer!" Rin cussed, "Damn it! Why I am so dumb?!"

"Don't worry, I no better" I said, putting my arm over her, trying comfort her.

"We all make mistakes" Rin groaned, slipping out of my arms,"Let's go to class already"

"Okay" I replied, standing back up.

I opened my dark, blue, locker, which was next to Rin's. I store my backpack, opening it, pull out my notebook and pencil, and closing the locker door. I waited for Rin who took a while since she's  practically taking a desk worth of supplies. I begged her to leave some stuff so she won't have to carry of all it. She leaves most of her stuff, only taking three notebooks, a purple calculator, and a book.

"Oh Rin, what are you like" I joked, making our to first period.

We entered the classroom, made our way to the back, finding two empty seats, and settling down. I looked around, seeing many new faces, talking to one another like good friends. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rin reading her book. (Typical Rin) I slumped in my chair, tapping my pencil under the desk, and stared off into the distance.

"Fucking algebra, at eight in the fucking morning!" I grumbled.

 During my complaining, I didn't realize that I was staring at someone. Then, this young-looking boy with red hair, covering his right eye, a red x above his nose, and wearing a kitty cat hat(Cute <3)came up to me. Panicking, I sat up, and looked at him.

"Hello there" he greeted, tipping his hat in a gentlemen like manner.

"Hiii-ii," I stuttered, trying to my best not sound like psychopath.

"The name's Fukase" he said, pulling out his hand for a handshake "What's yours?"

"I-I'm Len Kagamine" I replied, shaking his hand nervously, "The girl next to me is my twin sister, Rin."

Rin looked up from her book,  wave her hand, and continued to read. Fukase nodded back, and turned his attention to me.

"Aren't you a little young to be in high school?" I blurted out, immediately regretting saying what I asked.

"Yes, I'm only thirteen, but I'm in a program that allows me to attend high school earlier" Fuakse explained to me, "They take younger children who have talent in singing, but also smart."

"'Wow, that's impressive" I compliment, trying to be nice.

The bell then rings, as the teacher comes running in, and setting things up.

"Well, see you later, I guess" Fukase said, bowing down, and returning to his seat.

"What a nice a kid" I commented to Rin, opening up my notebook to make notes.

"He's adorable, yet respectable" she replied while writing down the notes that were on the board.

The teacher introduce herslef, and started talking about how to find the X-intercept form. (Who the fuck cares)
I liked that Fuakse kid, he's a real team player! My attitude suddenly changed from wanting to kill myself to slightly more friendly than usual. Today may not be all that horrible?

Fukase is adorable, isn't he? Thank you for reading! Hope you all enjoyed it!  Until then, cheerio   -(>~<)-        ~S.P.

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