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Kaito's POV 
First period finally ended, making me jolting out of my seat, and dashing out the door. I go straight to second period, before realizing that I literally ditched Gakupo back there, making me going back to find him, who was flirting with some girls. I go toward Gakupo, and pulled his ear, dragging him along. I let go after we made were out of sight from anyone.

"What the hell man?" Gakupo angrily asked me, rubbing his left ear.

"I don't think it's the time for flirting" I replied calmly, "Plus, the fans are slightly more agitated today" pointing at the mob fans with death stares.

"Fine, let's go" he finally said, as he starts walking, "I wonder what set them off."

The both of us made it to second period. I look around for that boy, but he isn't here either.

 "Fuck! Wait, why am I acting like this?!" I sweared under my breath, hoping that Gakupo didn't hear me, "Ugh, shit."
Class soon starts, but I dozed off during the middle of it, which ended up with Gakupo nudging me to wake up.  After the class ended, and with bell tanged, I stand up with so much force, that I accidentally hit someone with my elbow.

"Sorry, my bad-" I apologized before realizing it was just  Gakupo, "Wait, nevermind."

"Jeez, you seemed jumpy" Gakupo joked, as he leaves the class.

"Later player" I said, following him, and smacking his back.

"Bye!" Gakupo replied back, leaving a different way, with twenty girls stalking him behind.

I rushed into third period, avoiding my fan girls and sat down quickly, which ended up having a few people staring at me. I looked around to see if he was here. Nope, not here either, great. The bell rings, class starts, and I barely pay attention, again. What's wrong with me? This is not me, I think I'm a good student who does their work and doesn't interrupt, however, right now I'm not feeling well. Sooner or later, class ends, so I got off my seat, and bolted out the door. I quickly calmed myself, and made my way to fourth period. While walking in, I saw Miku talking with Luka in the back. I sat down a couple seats away from them, and class starts right away. I take a few notes, but then dozed during the middle of the lesson. Eventually, the lesson ends, leaving a few minutes before the bell rings. As I was getting my things ready, Miku and Luka came up to me. 

"Hey Kaito" Miku greeted, smiling as she rested on Luka's hands who's had her arms around Miku.

"Hello Miku, and Luka" I answered back, getting my things together, getting to ready to leave.

"Kaito, have you seen a short, blond boy?" Luka asked me, removing her hands off Miku who's smile turned into a frown.

"Wait, does he have a white shirt, gray short, and his hair is up in a ponytail?" I replied excitedly

"Yes! That guy!" Miku squealed, "Wait, have you met him?"

"Ah! No, but I saw him in the morning" I panicked, pulling my scarf.

"Well, his name is Len" Luka uttered, "But we call him Len-Kun!"

When I heard that adorable name, I wanted to squealed so loud, that even the readers would've experience ear rape, but I hold back, by saying "Oh, so his name is Len."

The goddamn bell rings, dismissing all of us. I walked outside as the two girls are close behind.

"See you later, Kaito!" Miku said, while Luka waved before getting pulled by Miku, dragging Luka along as fans screamed. I swear that those two are in love. Then, I walked to fifth period, and sat down in a seat when I arrived. The lesson soon begins, but all I can think about is Len, a cute, short boy! Can't wait to meet him!

Sooooooo sorry for not uploading yesterday! I was quite busy yesterday, and couldn't really add a new chapter, but here it is! Thank you for reading though! I really appreciate it! <3 Hope you enjoyed! The next chapter would be up at Monday night!                                                        ~S.P.

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