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Len's POV
Opened my eyes, huh? So Kaito does like me, I guess? At least,that's what Fangirl told me about.  I really fucked things up between me and Kaito-Kun, but I need to fix it, for the both of us. What should I do to make it with him? And I think I know what to do...
Kaito's POV
Even thing it's been just a week since I've talked to Len-Kun, for me, it's been FOREVER. I miss our talks, how we joke around, his shirt height, his nice ass, even his spicy personality turns me on, I think I'm going insane, been though see him eighth period, but he doesn't make eye contact with me. I just need to find the chance to express how I really feel. Right now, I'm alone, walking towards my locker to get my notebook. As I got closer, I see a folded piece of paper taped on my locker. I grab the paper and unfolded it, revealing a note.

Dear Kaito-Kun
Meet me in the back of the school at the end of the day...

Len-Kun wants to see me? He called me Kaito-Kun? And a little heart? I feel my checks heat up, as I let out a tiny squeal. I was wondering on what Len-Kun has in store for me, can't wait!

(Five hours later...)

After eighth period, I see Len-Kun sprinting out of the classroom, ditching Rin behind. I got up and followed Len-Kun, at least for a few steps as I lost him in the sea of people. Remembering where to meet him, I go outside, and make my way to the back of the school.  I stand around, for a quite a while. Maybe Len-Kun forgot, or was it prank? I hope that it was option two! Please come Len-Kun. I look down, closing my eyes, starting to feel doubtful and a bit disappointed. I was beginning to drift into sleep, but then heard footsteps. I open my eyes, and lifted my head up to see Len-Kun, holding a small stool. He walks over to me, placing the stool down in front of me. Not knowing on what's going on, I stood still, curious on what the hell is going on. Breaking from my thoughts, I feel a pair of small lips onto mine. Wait, was Len-Kun is, kissing me?! My heart almost ripped out of my chest from how fast it was beating. I look down to see Len-Kun on the stool, and shifted my gaze up to his red, adorable face. Without thinking, I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. We both just stood there, kissing. After a while, Len-Kun parted from the kiss, still red.

"Kaito-Kun" Len-Kun mumbled, "I'm sorry for avoiding you, and not paying attention for everything you ddi for me. I was just confused on what I feel, but now I know, that I like you, alot."

"Len-Kun, you don't have to say sorry" I reassure him, pulling his head against my chest, "We all have our conflicts, but I also wanted you to know that I don't like you, I love you."

"She was right" Len-Kun whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Who?" I ask, ruffling his hair.

"TOLD YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT" someone yelled from a distance.

I look around to spot the all glorious fangirl on the roof, with a camera how did she get up there?

"Sorry for interrupting your moment! Continue!" Fangirl yelled, "Call me when you guys get busy!"

And from that, Fangirl disappeared into thin air, probably going to find Miku and Luka.

I look back at the Len-Kun, as he looked very confused. We both laugh, as Len-Kun grabs my hand, and procceded walking.

"Let's go to my house, Kaito-Kun!" Len-Kun declares, as he drags me along, "We'll do something fun together!"

"Yeah, something fun" I say, agreeing with him, as something sparks in my mind on what to do later with Len-Kun.

I came back from my cave, howdy y'all.  Sorry for not posting a new chapter for about three weeks now? I've been busy and lazy, but here it is, with Len and Kaito! Another short one though. Sorry about the wait!
Like I always say, I hoped you enjoyed reading this, AND thank you for 748 views right now! REALLY hoping I'll finish this story in the weekend, I'll try my best to post the last chapter! Have a great day or  night!  ~S.P.

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