Down Under

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Len's POV
I realized that the boy was the one I bumped into earlier, but that doesn't stop me from bashing him.
"Why were you staring at me?" I began to questioned him, still holding onto his scarf, "Did I do something or what?"

"N-n-o, you didn't do anything" the blue headed boy hesitated, "It's just that"

"Just what?" I repeated my question, raising my voice.

"You, you just remind me of someone!" he blurted out, as his cheeks flushed with a light pink.

"Alright then, if you say so" I sighed, letting go of his scarf.

The boy must have lost his balance because two seconds later, he was on top of me. I've also dropped my things along with my lunch. The dismissal bell for seventh period bell rings, (God, how I hate that bell) and mobs of people walked by, staring at us with confused eyes. There was also a group of girls and boys with enraged expressions, but I could hear one girl squealing her ass off. I noticed that his face was my chest, and the boy lifted his face, to see this awkward position. His face turned completly red.

"Ah, can you please get off me?" I  calmly asked from under.

"O-h-h, right, sorry" he answered, getting off me, and standing up.

As I was about to get up, the boy grabbed my waist, picked me up, and placed me back on feet.

"Bye!" the boy said, dashing off to the unknown, with his face still red as hell.

Standing there in confusion, I realized that eighth period was about to start, I ran towards the classroom at full speed, which was nearby. I entered through the door, seeing Rin waving from the back of the room. I made my way to an empty seat net to her, and sat down, gasping.

"Where you running a marathon?" Rin asks me, while reading her book, "You looked beat"

"I had some issues in the halls, okay?" I sighed, slumping in my seat.

"Well, at least you didn't had this guy with long purple hair staring at me" she complained, closing her book.

"I've met some people and in which came up to me-" I commented before pausing. I looked at the door, seeing Miku, Luka, Meiko, and Gumi walking in, with Oliver  behind them as Fukase then appears put of nowhere.The girls look at me and Rin, giving  big smiles.

"Fuck!" I cussed, turning to Rin, who was giving me a weird look.

 Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the girls sit a couple seats away from us, and Oliver sits in the seat to the right of mine, with Fukase sitting in front of him. I turned my head slightly, seeing Miku, Luka, Gumi, and Meiko giggling, looking at us.

"Kill me" I uttered to Rin, turning back to her.

"With pleasure" she responded, "Are those your new friends?"

"Kind of?" I said, trying to avoid contact with them, "But we just met"

"I hadn't met anyone" Rin admitted, fixing her white, headband thing? "Plus, I haven't yet adjuste-"

Rin stopped mid-sentence, staring at the doorway. I turn around , seeing a guy with a long, purple ponytail, who sat down two seats in front of Rin.

"Is that the guy?" I whispered, leaning closer to Rin.

"Yes, he's the one" Rin groaned, banging her head on the desk.

The bell finally rings, with the teacher rearing to go. This class is called "Project Diva." It's where we basically sing, dance, and create our own songs, which is pretty great. Everything was going great, as the teacher explained everyday activities here. Suddenly, a guy bolted through the door. I soon realized it was the boy that ran into before, fuck my life. I couldn't make out on what he was saying, but pretty sure he got a scolding, with a few people giggling.  I spotted him, glancing at me, with his face turning red. A few seconds later, he came up to sit in the seat, which was direclty in front of me. This class was quite fun, but the boy in front of me kept looking back at me, but I try my best to ignored  it. The teacher finish about ten minutes before dismissal, so I decided to drag my desk next to Rin's, hoping to keep away from him. Rin opens up her book to read, again. I pulled out my phone, plug in my headphones, but before putting them on, Miku, Luka, Meiko, and Gumi came up to us. Rin shot me unpleasant look, slightly disturbed from all the racket the girls were making. End me, please!

Hello everybody, I'm here today, yay? Hoped you enjoy this chapter? Thanks for reading! Love you all! <3      ~S.P.

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